I hope I am not screwed


New Member
About 5mths ago I went to see a dr. on pressure and stress at my job [not flying] in order to have my insurance cover this he had to put down depression..To make matters worse i had a another visit the other day and he gave me a rx of zoloft I picked it up and found out it is a faa no drug..I did not take any..I feel I am ok to fly..I am a student pilot my med is up 6mths.should I report this?will they ever find out I bought this Rx and used it? What happens If i bend a wing will they dig in my records and nail me?thaks for your help..signed dumb ass /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif
Hmmm. Toughy. If it were me, I call AOPA's medical line. That's what I pay that fee for every year. I'd also make sure I had paperwork from your doctor saying that you no longer take Zoloft when you go in to get your medical renewed JUST IN CASE. Other than that, be honest.
Other than that, be honest.

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This reminds me of an article in the latest issue of Flying Magazine. It's an article about an Airline pilot trying to pull a fast one on the FAA. He lost everything in the end. Lying doesn't pay.. well atleast not for long it doesn't. Telling the truth, you will probably be out of a job, but atleast you can live with yourself. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buck.gif
Telling the truth, you will probably be out of a job, but atleast you can live with yourself. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buck.gif

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Now, this is just my own thought. If I'm going to loose everything and be out of a job whether I tell the truth or keep it a secret, I'll be one lying pilot.

Again, that's just me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
But what if it's the difference between a (probably temporary) for-sure grounding, and the chance (if caught) of a permanent certificate loss?

(edit: don't let the grammar police anywhere near that sentence...)
Thanks for the advice,I not trying to pull anything over the feds, just did not know what to do,I do not have depression[just a insurance issue] and have not taken any zoloft [even if i do have a rx} thanks.....be careful , docs hand this stuff out like candy
Call that AOPA aeromedical line like tomorrow! Well, I'd say 'today' but it's saturday.
be careful , docs hand this stuff out like candy

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Yeah, my wife is on zoloft. She wants to learn to fly, but since she can't get her medical, it's not very high on her list.
If you haven't taken the drug, you should be fine. You probably won't even be grounded (if you have taken the drug, be prepared for an annoying but likely successful round-and-round w/CAMI). But do check with AOPA to make sure you shouldn't ground yourself until you see a DME.

I have issues with mild depression and anxiety connected with my work (which I hate), and I took an anti-depressant for a few months. The FAA never seemed very concerned about the depression and anxiety themselves. They just wanted a note from my doctor saying that I had been off the drug at least 90 days and was still doing fine. FAA's biggest concern, actually, seemed to be the fact that I had been tested for ADHD with inconclusive results. The FAA made me go through a battery of 3 tests to convince them I really wasn't ADHD, and then I got my 1st Class back. The only issue was time, because CAMI is S L O W.

Hope this helps.

Out of curiousity, how does the FAA know what medications people take? Is it completely based on the results of your physical, or is there another way they find out?

Minnesota Flyer, how did the FAA know you were tested for ADHD?
Out of curiousity, how does the FAA know what medications people take? Is it completely based on the results of your physical, or is there another way they find out?

Minnesota Flyer, how did the FAA know you were tested for ADHD?

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In general, the FAA only knows what you tell them, so you could probably get away with not telling them about a drug or treatment. They do not test for the presence of drugs on a normal flight physical. However, if you ever got caught having lied to the FAA, your licenses would be gone so fast you won't know what hit you. If you ever had an accident, you could probably expect that they would find out.

In my situation, I reported that I had been treated for depression/anxiety, they asked to see all of the med. records, and they obviously saw some reference to the ADHD screen in the file. I probably would have got my medical back faster if I had mentioned the ADHD screen up front. Instead, they asked for my records, took about 8 weeks to look at them, then noticed the ADHD screen and asked for follow-up testing. It took ANOTHER 12 weeks to get the requested tests and then for the FAA to get around to looking at them (have I mentioned that CAMI is S L O W).
