Feds are a little out of control.

It was almost hilarious though. You know the way you put a treat on a dog's nose, hold your hand up and go "no...no....noooo....eat it!!"? Same exact thing.
It was almost hilarious though. You know the way you put a treat on a dog's nose, hold your hand up and go "no...no....noooo....eat it!!"? Same exact thing.

You should take a rolled up newspaper with you the next time you're there. Just look at them straight in the eye, and glare. When they try to pull you aside, just hold up the newspaper "ah ah ah' ah'' ahh." You'll wizz through security.
If it makes you feel any better, when my company buys my ticket home, it's always short notice. Even though I'm a vetted 121 pilot, and a high-tier frequent flyer, I get the love glove treatment everytime I go through.

What's even cuter is when they say "The airline selected you for addtional screening." with a straight face. What a dance to get around profiling accusations.

I've accepted it, so I just go early to get it overwith. Hope the TSAholes don't drop my laptop (close a couple times). Explain why I have 2 cellphones, a laptop, yada yada.

Then I go to the lounge and have a drink.

However, you can get them back when you have the random marks on your ticket. Wear your uniform, and present them the boarding pass. You'll have a nice deer-in-headlights simulation.

Back on topic. The controllers want to stay out of the DAB just like you do.
The "Love Glove" -- I like that!

*snap!* *snap!* "Come here sunshine, time for some love glove, selectee!"
My most complete screening (glove and all) occurred at SLC. The TSA was even explaining what he was doing like a flight attendant doing a security briefing.:crazy:
I can't remember the exact FAR but it roughly states "A pilot shall familiarize himself/herself with every aspect of the flight" I think after 400 violations a day of "Didn't know reporting point target (inset any other VFR reporting point) per towered facility. I think the FAA may rethink this.
91.103 says...

"Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight..."
How disappointing is it when realize that no matter how careful you are, how much you prepare, or how much you study, you're always going to be breaking some kind of rule, regulation, or law?

I'm ready for my month off. Thankful to have a job, but oh so ready for that :)
Isn't the "policing" what the managers are for?

What happens to the controller who is working 3 too many planes at the time that one pilot on departure levels off 800' high? He doesn't have time to record it, but if he misses it, who gets him in trouble?

Geez, I didn't apply to be a snot nosed tattle tale. I'm outta this racket.
Don't we have anybody working for the government who actually has half a brain and a realistic mindset?

And do the Feds have any idea of what a violation does for a pilot's career and lifestyle? I'd much rather work together towards the common goal of safety, rather than worry about being violated every time I go to work.
Don't we have anybody working for the government who actually has half a brain and a realistic mindset?

Good one, Ed! Next "Open Mic" night down at the Blue Oyster, I'm going to push you up on stage!
There's something amiss going on at the FAA, I'm not sure what it is, but the administrator needs a good talking to.
The FBI pinched a bunch of FAA guys out of the local FSDO (maintenance side of it). They also have been in our knickers on a bunch of stuff. Not sure exactly what is going on.:panic:
I for one think that its about time that this happens, its about time that we start earning that high wage, and stop being unprofessional. Everyone knows that pilots are compleatly lax in the cockpit and need some structure in our lives.
Um yeah, this particular screwing doesn't come with a pay raise.
According to my friends, who also instructor at Detroit Tracon(retired a week ago), there are two tips for pilots

1. read back complete instruction and follow through.
--> FAA can violate both ATC and pilots for incorrect phrases.

For example:
ATC: "69101, fly heading 220 for spacing."
Pilot: "69101"
FAA to ATC: "You did not say November and Cessna."
==> End result: It would be pay deduction, possibly a "DEAL" for ATC
FAA to pilot: "You did not read back correctly."
==> Possible disciplinary actions against pilot involved.

2. Listen the radio very, very carefully and know what are going around you. At current training rate at all facilities, there are quite few new, inexperiences ATCs in training. There are good chances for mistake happening. Be very careful
This is insane....I sort of feel like in the coming weeks it will be a a "line out the door" when they start busting pilots on every little thing. Before you know it, they'll be dishing their phone number to every pilot on frequency and we will have to "hold for the next available agent"...sad sad... hopefully this blows
over soon.
CVG TSA is up yer butt

BTW, what the hell's up with the TSA in CVG? ..........................
Riiiiiiiiiight, Waldo. Sorry you were picked on in grade school but now ain't yo time! :)


I hate to say it, but methinks it's more likely a CVG thing.

That whole place has a strange vibe. A certain "mid-western pettyness" to it. A case of the "meanies." A certain "Barney Fife" like complex.

Not everybody in CVG is that way of course. Most aren't...... but CVG seems to have more than it's fair share a-holes.

Not that it's their fault.

The fault lies in the fact that their main employer is Proctor and Gamble.

Think about that for a second. Most of town is in the industry of catering to your ass.
...And ears, and eyes, and nose, and mouth, and.........well........wherever your body has a hole..............Proctor and Gamble makes a product for it.

So you got all these people running around thinking,
"what can we stick in someone's butt today?"

And that, my friend, is why CVG is like the way it is!


CVG + TSA is like mixing Wild Turkey and Barcardi 151 rum.

The aftermath of either combo is not pleasant!


By the way, the mix of Wild Turkey and Barcardi 151 is a called a "Gorilla Fart."

The proper way to drink a Gorilla Fart is upside down. So you are really drinking Upside Down Gorilla Farts. The way to do this is to be, laying on the bar & on your back, head hanging off the edge, mouth open.

The bartender then pours both liquors into your mouth.

Then you gulp it down as you sit up.

[Try not to puke at this point.............it does not impress the ladies if you do.]


If you do it right, [ie. so quick you don't have time to gag or barf,] you'll be fine. The strong liquor actually makes your mouth go numb.....which helps.

Practice, repeat, enjoy................then call AA.

I know from personal experience from the last time I drank these, at Waldo's Bar in Kalamazoo on my 21st birthday in 1987, that if you drink an Upside down Kamakaze, followed by 2 Upside down Gorilla Farts........

You will get sick.

Within 15 minutes.

Which is good as this will eject these toxins from your body before they can be absorbed. Which means no hangover.

Who says I learned nothing in college?

[And for you CVG people who are about to flame me... This was pointed out to me by numerous people I know who live in CVG. There was even a local newspaper article on it. Besides....I grew up in DTW. Same vibe but for different reasons.]
