FedEx engine fire on departure EWR

One thing I know about bird strikes is there’s always blood. I don’t see any blood.

Same source (ie. Not Me), but that must have been a suspiciously bloodless Condor, if accurate, etc. etc.


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I defer to your knowledge on these things (and that makes a lot of sense). I was thinking maybe a drone. Whatever it was, holy crap.

One thing I know about bird strikes is there’s always blood. I don’t see any blood.
I hadn't considered drones as it was reported as a bird strike. But @Wardogg is correct, even a glancing blow will make a bloody mess.
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I did find a red tailed hawk who unfortunately found itself in one of the flap fairings during a preflight on a Global Express one time. I'm entirely uncertain regarding how long that bird was a passenger. I'm going to assume it got caught up in aviation on the previous flight but I might be wrong and that bird might've been a world traveler.
Honest question: What's the most interesting world traveler you've found on a walkaround? Couple years back the tech guys in BOS pulled a live iguana out of the left main landing gear bay doors when something was making an odd not-quite-PTO-barking-noise taxiing in. That got a good gathering of rampers.

PSA had a CRJ700 named Bambi after taking out a deer passing V1 in Charlotte.
Honest question: What's the most interesting world traveler you've found on a walkaround? Couple years back the tech guys in BOS pulled a live iguana out of the left main landing gear bay doors when something was making an odd not-quite-PTO-barking-noise taxiing in. That got a good gathering of rampers.

PSA had a CRJ700 named Bambi after taking out a deer passing V1 in Charlotte.
Found an owl
Honest question: What's the most interesting world traveler you've found on a walkaround? Couple years back the tech guys in BOS pulled a live iguana out of the left main landing gear bay doors when something was making an odd not-quite-PTO-barking-noise taxiing in. That got a good gathering of rampers.

PSA had a CRJ700 named Bambi after taking out a deer passing V1 in Charlotte.
Sadly Bambi was the aircraft that went down in DCA.

In my regional days we had several squirrels that climbed into the gear bay which grounded the plane until we confirmed the squirrel left.

I believe we had a raccoon take a trip to Germany one time, that was interesting.

Also had a bat fly into the cabin when they were hooking up the jet bridge somewhere in Europe. That one was never found.
Honest question: What's the most interesting world traveler you've found on a walkaround? Couple years back the tech guys in BOS pulled a live iguana out of the left main landing gear bay doors when something was making an odd not-quite-PTO-barking-noise taxiing in. That got a good gathering of rampers.

PSA had a CRJ700 named Bambi after taking out a deer passing V1 in Charlotte.

I broke the gear retraction system on a Seminole by trying to bring the gear up with a snake (that I didn't know was there) curled around the left main gear.

Years before Bambi was Bambi, I put a large crow through the radar dome of 709 coming out of Charlotte. Also I jammed a pretty big bird into the horizontal stab of a -200 on the way in to HPN. Damn near tore the yoke out of my hands.

Only other notable hitchhikers were about a billion mosquitoes that were in a -200 that had been sitting with its door open on the ramp in Greenville Mississippi for a day or so after coming out of the paint shop there. Flew down from DAY at about 11 at night to drop off a different plane to get painted (and almost tore the wing off on a unmarked concrete pole in the middle of the ramp) and then wandered over to our bug infested ride home. Also, they'd never dumped the lav when the plane was flown down a week earlier and the inside was pretty terrible. Remember just wandering into the pool of darkness past the right wing and going to the bathroom out there instead of daring to open the lav door.

Got bit about a hundred times while I waited for the APU to get going so I could turn on the packs and get the gasper vents open to blow enough air around to push the bugs out of the cockpit. There is a slightly better than non zero percent chance that @DeltaAlphaNovember was the FO on that but I can't remember... I think the guy was getting furloughed in a few weeks and was an army rotor guy, but it was a long time ago.
Honest question: What's the most interesting world traveler you've found on a walkaround? Couple years back the tech guys in BOS pulled a live iguana out of the left main landing gear bay doors when something was making an odd not-quite-PTO-barking-noise taxiing in. That got a good gathering of rampers.

PSA had a CRJ700 named Bambi after taking out a deer passing V1 in Charlotte.

While we were airing out the cabin of our 4000 in Azerbaijan, we had a cat sneak aboard. Must have been pretty comfy because we were almost to RUH before it vocally requested a tour of the flight deck.

A Filipino ramper was happy to take the cat, not sure if the cat was intended as a companion or dinner.
Honest question: What's the most interesting world traveler you've found on a walkaround? Couple years back the tech guys in BOS pulled a live iguana out of the left main landing gear bay doors when something was making an odd not-quite-PTO-barking-noise taxiing in. That got a good gathering of rampers.

PSA had a CRJ700 named Bambi after taking out a deer passing V1 in Charlotte.
An Alaskan Guppy hit a bear landing a few years back 😬
