FedEx engine fire on departure EWR

An Alaskan Guppy hit a bear landing a few years back 😬


It wasn't abnormal to have an iguana stow away in the wheel well at certain ramp locations at MIA. Amarillo was notorious for rattle snakes on the ramp. I was warned to be careful while preflighting on the ramp there.
I broke the gear retraction system on a Seminole by trying to bring the gear up with a snake (that I didn't know was there) curled around the left main gear.

Years before Bambi was Bambi, I put a large crow through the radar dome of 709 coming out of Charlotte. Also I jammed a pretty big bird into the horizontal stab of a -200 on the way in to HPN. Damn near tore the yoke out of my hands.

Only other notable hitchhikers were about a billion mosquitoes that were in a -200 that had been sitting with its door open on the ramp in Greenville Mississippi for a day or so after coming out of the paint shop there. Flew down from DAY at about 11 at night to drop off a different plane to get painted (and almost tore the wing off on a unmarked concrete pole in the middle of the ramp) and then wandered over to our bug infested ride home. Also, they'd never dumped the lav when the plane was flown down a week earlier and the inside was pretty terrible. Remember just wandering into the pool of darkness past the right wing and going to the bathroom out there instead of daring to open the lav door.

Got bit about a hundred times while I waited for the APU to get going so I could turn on the packs and get the gasper vents open to blow enough air around to push the bugs out of the cockpit. There is a slightly better than non zero percent chance that @DeltaAlphaNovember was the FO on that but I can't remember... I think the guy was getting furloughed in a few weeks and was an army rotor guy, but it was a long time ago.
I don't recall anything like that happening when I flew with you. But I'm older and my brain is mush. I think maybe we did a day trip but not 100% certain. And I was not a rotorwing guy.
Infer: To read between the lines.
Imply: To write between the lines.

We carried in a shipment of snakes into MIA one day. As they say “baggage may shift in flight”. Some of the baggage shifted and broke open the crates with the snakes.

Hilarity ensued when they tossed open the baggage door.

Also MIA. Flight out of there a pax had a carry on full of baby iguanas. They cracked open the box, the iguanas fled into the cabin that was full of pax.

SoFL has long been the repository of bizarre imported species, but at least most aren’t actively trying to kill you with venom that results in a torturous death, like in Oz.
We carried in a shipment of snakes into MIA one day. As they say “baggage may shift in flight”. Some of the baggage shifted and broke open the crates with the snakes.

Hilarity ensued when they tossed open the baggage door.

Also MIA. Flight out of there a pax had a carry on full of baby iguanas. They cracked open the box, the iguanas fled into the cabin that was full of pax.

SoFL has long been the repository of bizarre imported species, but at least most aren’t actively trying to kill you with venom that results in a torturous death, like in Oz.

I had a non standard (just plans cardboard) box of iguanas break open in Binghamton NY once. The UPS driver who was unloading the plane when it happened attempted to gather them up and put them back in the box. I took no part in it. LOL