Fedex 1376

Stay away from the BBC, Jim.
I normally stay away from anything Brit except The Benny Hill Show and Monty Python. Usually British drama type things are a huge bore-hole for me and put me to sleep. With that said, I fell in love with a delightful series called Foyle's War. A detective show about an Inspector in WW2 in the south of Britain. Absolutely freaking delightful. Also random cameos of Spitfires (one episode in particular - and not CGI - real, low-level Spitfire action/RR sound). Anyway, if you can find it on the streaming, find Foyle's War. Charming and delightful show.
I normally stay away from anything Brit except The Benny Hill Show and Monty Python. Usually British drama type things are a huge bore-hole for me and put me to sleep. With that said, I fell in love with a delightful series called Foyle's War. A detective show about an Inspector in WW2 in the south of Britain. Absolutely freaking delightful. Also random cameos of Spitfires (one episode in particular - and not CGI - real, low-level Spitfire action/RR sound). Anyway, if you can find it on the streaming, find Foyle's War. Charming and delightful show.
Oh man, we aren’t going to get along anymore. I love British comedies. Peep Show is one of my go-to’s when I’m just vegging out at home after a trip.
Foyle's War is wonderful. Very low key, nothing flashy, but economically brilliant. And Kitchen's portrayal is one you come very quickly to genuinely care about. A+
I normally stay away from anything Brit except The Benny Hill Show and Monty Python. Usually British drama type things are a huge bore-hole for me and put me to sleep. With that said, I fell in love with a delightful series called Foyle's War. A detective show about an Inspector in WW2 in the south of Britain. Absolutely freaking delightful. Also random cameos of Spitfires (one episode in particular - and not CGI - real, low-level Spitfire action/RR sound). Anyway, if you can find it on the streaming, find Foyle's War. Charming and delightful show.

BBC produced movie Warriors, was a well made movie about the 1992 deployment of the Royal Army Cheshire Regiment, and how bad it was. It’s on YouTube in parts 1 and 2.
What's the new show about WWII bomber pilots? Is it on the air yet? I saw some flashy teaser for it, looked good.

Also, if you are interested in military aviation at all, and you haven't watched Thud Pilots on Netflix (or maybe it is Amazon Prime), you are wrong. That is all.
What's the new show about WWII bomber pilots? Is it on the air yet? I saw some flashy teaser for it, looked good.

Also, if you are interested in military aviation at all, and you haven't watched Thud Pilots on Netflix (or maybe it is Amazon Prime), you are wrong. That is all.
I had never heard of Thud Pilots before. Thanks for the recommendation. It's now on my list of stuff to do this weekend. (And it is on Amazon Prime)
What's the new show about WWII bomber pilots? Is it on the air yet? I saw some flashy teaser for it, looked good.

Also, if you are interested in military aviation at all, and you haven't watched Thud Pilots on Netflix (or maybe it is Amazon Prime), you are wrong. That is all.
There are two non-antique warbirds that make my loins tingle. The B-58 Hustler and the F-105. I saw one up close once and almost peed. I will watch.
There are two non-antique warbirds that make my loins tingle. The B-58 Hustler and the F-105. I saw one up close once and almost peed. I will watch.
I've said this before, the first time I encountered an F-105 in person it was backed up behind some hangars near the wash rack at Reno. It was huge, I'd never worked on a jet and the airplane I was there working on was tiny in comparison. There were fans camped under the wings with lawn chairs and coolers taking advantage of the shade they provided. I should also say I'd already met Skip Holm at that point when he flew our airplane at an air show. It is what it is.
There are two non-antique warbirds that make my loins tingle. The B-58 Hustler and the F-105. I saw one up close once and almost peed. I will watch.

I'd agree. I don't think I've ever seen a B-58 in person, but there is a fantastic example of the Thud in the Evergreen Museum in McMinnville, OR. It is an F-105G, which I think was the most interesting variant. And like you guys said, thing is enormous......such a long airplane, pretty short wings, no wonder they had such aerodynamic challenges.
I'd agree. I don't think I've ever seen a B-58 in person, but there is a fantastic example of the Thud in the Evergreen Museum in McMinnville, OR. It is an F-105G, which I think was the most interesting variant. And like you guys said, thing is enormous......such a long airplane, pretty short wings, no wonder they had such aerodynamic challenges.

You can see a B-58 in Tucson. The F-105 is a heck of an airplane, and one of the few fighters that can air refuel both USAF boom style, as well as USN probe-and-drogue style.
You can see a B-58 in Tucson. The F-105 is a heck of an airplane, and one of the few fighters that can air refuel both USAF boom style, as well as USN probe-and-drogue style.

Yeah i forgot about that. I guess that decision must have come from the transitional nature of tanker configurations at the time? As for DMA, do they have a bunch of the -58s, or did they break most of them down?