Features you'd like to see at Jetcareers

+1 to the following

I would like to see more text from a post when I 'mouse over' it. Like on APC you get a few sentences or a paragraph. There are a lot of subject lines to posts that are "Interesting Flight" or "Weird Question" and if the mouse over were expanded I would know sooner if I had the knowledge to respond or if it is a question I have.

How about a directory of the CFIs on the site. This way if someone decides to pursue a rating or just needs a BFR, they could search the database and find one of our house CFIs.

JC pilot search by location

Chat Option
I want more emoticons. I can not properly express myself with just :p, ;), :D, and :nana2:. I need two smilies toasting some beers, one smiley puking, a smiley throwing a grenade, a smiley actually beating a dead horse, a smiley giving a thumbs up and, a smiley with poo hitting a fan then subsequently hitting the smiley itself. If you could go ahead and take care of that then that would be great. Mmmmkay?

the other forum i post at (www.dmctalk.com) has all those minus the poo hitting the fan one. Maybe you can ask where they got them from.
I want more emoticons. I can not properly express myself with just :p, ;), :D, and :nana2:. I need two smilies toasting some beers, one smiley puking, a smiley throwing a grenade, a smiley actually beating a dead horse, a smiley giving a thumbs up and, a smiley with poo hitting a fan then subsequently hitting the smiley itself. If you could go ahead and take care of that then that would be great. Mmmmkay?

I second that one BTW, more complex emoticons please! :D
Unless it is my imagination, there is more text on the mouse over! Whoo Hoo! Thanks Doug. :nana2:

(This Bananna 'Rocking On' expresses my emotions exactly)
Thank you for the invite Captain Taylor...

Here's a couple.

A place to upload, download , refine lesson plans--one sub-forum per subject matter.

Vspeeds for every aircraft out there--down-loadable or sent to cell phone.

An online Weight and Balance app for "every" aircraft out there.

[crazy, but why not] An open source version of flight scheduler pro at jetcareers.

(*cough* I know somebody *cough* who would be willing to trade their extensive php coding and database design skills for 250 hours of flight time including 50 night so *they* can start flying freight...*cough.* *ahem*)

[crazy again]. 'enter this drawing and YOU TO can win a Falcon!' ads! :nana2:

Seriously, the lesson plan area would be a lot of fun. I have at least a 100 hours developing them and they are an essential tool and developing them really forces me to get my head around a subject. Plus, my last CFI gig, I trained some JAA guys and was in the running for becoming a JAA CFI (under the chief's authority) and there is a lot to learn from different approaches to training so we could have a JAA and FAA section....


I am getting the tall version of the thread preview in FF. It works in IE though.

The problem with a formal site chatroom is you need someone to moderate (read babysit) it all day.
Oooh. That's a great idea. JC CFI Registry.
Why just CFIs? Why not all commercial pilots, a la findapilot.com?

+1 on a JC wiki. The existing FAQ only addresses use of the forum software, not the real FAQs from users.

-1 on a flight sim section. Wrong demographic.
This might be obsolete with the addition of different company's contracts, but a "salary" section which outlined the various airline's pay structures would be good I think.
This might be obsolete with the addition of different company's contracts, but a "salary" section which outlined the various airline's pay structures would be good I think.

Not only that, but an "apples to apples" comparison.

At the end of the day, what are you REALLY getting paid and how much are you REALLY working?

Those are important things to remember, and not much information is out there on that.
how about a documents or files area for those who want to upload lesson plans, weight and balance charts..general safety cards..checklists..all small size file/word excel..maybe teaching cards..I'm safe checklists..

(just an idea)

also like previous people, airline contract status/hiring requirements..basically everything airlinepilotcentral gives.. I go to that web site all the time. Contract length..pay scales..union information...graphical and helpful.
Chat would be cool if it were like facebook's where you could see which of your "buddies" were online and chat with them while searching/reading/posting like normal.
Why just CFIs? Why not all commercial pilots, a la findapilot.com?

+1 on a JC wiki. The existing FAQ only addresses use of the forum software, not the real FAQs from users.

-1 on a flight sim section. Wrong demographic.

There is a 'Jobs Available' and 'Jobs Needed' section for this purpose. The CFI section is for exactly that, people who would like to learn to fly/get a Flight Review/etc. and would like to find a local CFI who could help out, without having to sort through a saturated jobs in general pool.
A geographical map depicting user's locations... doesn't have to be too specific... but general location would be nice...

On a VOLUNTARY basis (of course!!...)
A Grub, eats, food section for each country, state, fbo....or close by.


Meridian mississippi. ...they have 2 crockpots that have been sitting there ALL WEEK! one with cheap hot dogs and the other with canned chili--freaking awsome!

FTY--fulton county airport in GA. Thursdays, they have fried green tomatoes--and the cook really cares.

Marathon--Florida Keys...take the courtesy car, hang a left on US1, go over the small bridge the restaurant is close by on the left.....I would post my pic of the Oyster Po-Boy, but it is out of limits for the site.

FLL, when I was at ATP on the way to the local domicile, we stopped by a local joint and ate wings and beer. Lots of wings and 3 pitchers of beer--no words were spoken--a religious experience. It was like the Catholic High Holy Days for pilots. FREAKING AWESOME!

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