Eighteen Year Restoration - Then This

I unfortunately know for a fact there is a non-zero number of people severely maimed by vacuum cleaners every year...

Really could have gone through life without finding out first hand about that...

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But what part of their body is maimed by the vacuum cleaner lawman...cmon tell us...although I think we can all guess...
I unfortunately know for a fact there is a non-zero number of people severely maimed by vacuum cleaners every year...

Really could have gone through life without finding out first hand about that...

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"It's a combination meat grinder!"
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a non zero number of people that are killed by vacuum cleaners every year.

I figure it’s like a vintage car. A Model T has no business on the 405, of course, but any serious hobbyist wouldn’t be there any way.

They’re fun to watch fly, my prefrontal cortex/evolved monkey brain says “DANGER!!” so I won’t get into one, but it’s a lot like breaking out grandma’s fine china for a dinner party.
Jay Leno would disagree.
I figure it’s like a vintage car. A Model T has no business on the 405, of course, but any serious hobbyist wouldn’t be there any way.

They’re fun to watch fly, my prefrontal cortex/evolved monkey brain says “DANGER!!” so I won’t get into one, but it’s a lot like breaking out grandma’s fine china for a dinner party.
I built a street rod out of a '47 Plymouth Coupe about 10 years ago. It was a mash up of whatever I had in my barn and garage at the time. It had Chevy, Plymouth, and Ford parts, plus quite a few that I manufactured. It had a 350 V8 and a 5-speed manual transmission. It could get up and GO!
It didn't have door handles or seat belts though. Fun car to rip around in. I just sold it last month to an old family friend who watched and helped me build it when he was in middle school.
I'd take a Model T out on any road as long as I could maintain the minimum speed. That said, I wouldn't take ANYTHING on the 405. I'd avoid it like Covid.
Yeah warbird guys can think their you know what doesn’t stink. I’ve talked to many about how they got into it and how much volunteer time and all that stuff. A lot of it sounds political. I know my dad and his buddies in the confederate/commemorative Air Force back in the day all got fed up with the process.
While that may often be true, our resident B-29 captain is one of the chillest guys I know. You'd never guess all the cool stuff he does.

And this is the problem with the modern day Jetcareers forum. Finally, a thread about something aviation related, and still, it's turned into garbage. No longer is Jetcateers a place for likeminded people to interact, about work and hobby...lifestyle even. No longer is it a place to meet new friends, new instructors, new bosses. Modern day Jetcareers has become a place for @Seggy @jtrain609 @SlumTodd_Millionaire and @Cherokee_Cruiser to argue points which they know nobody will agree with, both aviation or political. For a while placing them on ignore made my experience so much better. Sadly though, it seems these trolls have angered so many people that the majority of posts forumwide are just counterarguments to those few antisocial monsters' relentless idiocy.

I've met so many incredible people and gained a wealth of knowledge through this forum. It really is sad what a few people done.

This feels like eulogy. I choose to remember Jetcareers through all the friends, the only downside was seeing @ChasenSFO 's snapchat pictures. Great things too like flying into Oshkosh with @Nark , hanging out in Mojave with @inigo88 , many Seattle or LAX layovers with @mikecweb , many weeks at Reno with Hacker, watching Warbirds in Chino thanks to @fholbert , so many Oshkoshs and South Florida aviating with @CFI A&P ... even eating Texan vietnamese sports bar dinner with Vaguepost King @Autothrust Blue .
At the end of the day, just don't feed the trolls. Still lots of interesting info and perspective in this thread honestly, and JC still beats the hell out of any Facebook group (except the one @JustinS and @JordanD and I run where we laugh at people who try to enforce the "rules" for us until they leave) or aviation forum I've been on. Like you said, most of the people here are really awesome. Including 3 of the 4 people you listed, honestly. They're good dudes, I've met them all in person and they're really cool. I know you worked with one of them, but sure you'd like them too if we were in Vegas drinking and not arguing online.

Dong measuring contests are annoying, and I hate how things keep getting derailed for politics and what not, too. But I don't feel that the principals of JC that you listed have changed like you alluded to. You still can meet cool people here, get jobs, ect. I mean, it happens all the time. Hell, this thread is actually full of really interesting perspective and discussion if you just skip over some of the posts. Anytime @MikeD is contributing we're going to learn something. I mean, this forum is totally the reason I can realistically hope to go from a 12 year PPL to CFII in about 3-4 months total for a fraction of the cost at an FBO let alone a pilot mill. 100% because of @Derg and many others on this site and the opportunities they've given me even though I rarely have anything to offer in return. Those people are still here, and I still meet people from JC for the first time a few times per year either when I'm traveling or they come by SFO\SJC. Every time I do the Saturday night Zoom call, it's awesome. Like a sip of Network JC. I mean hell, I met YOU through JC, and maybe one day your LA room mate will have my seed as a result.

So while I agree with you about how annoying it's been the last 1.5 years or so since all this bickering bled out of the lav and into the aviation threads, this is still something special. I mean how many derailed threads have been totally hilarious? It isn't all bad. We totally should stop feeding the trolls though. I am 20,000% willing to try to arrange a panel between @Cherokee_Cruiser and @SlumTodd_Millionaire .
That motorcycle. Grrrrrrrr. I'm honestly shocked that is legal in California. One wrong move by a car on either side, and that guy is dead. I've seen some of these motorcyclist go 80+ in between two cars.
From the point of view of a motorcyclist, lane splitting is ridiculously safer than the game of coming to a screeching halt and waiting to be ass-packed. You'd be surprised how much room there is between vehicles, and how much more control you have over the situation. Panic stops are some of the most dangerous things for any vehicles, and having that safety relief valve to avoid them is incredibly useful. Also, when cars hit motorcycles, the story is almost always "But I didn't see her!" Cars, especially in traffic, often make lunging, unpredictable lane changes when there's a speed differential between lanes. On very rare occasions they do this into another vehicle, but it's fairly common that they do this into a motorcycle in an empty lane.

Lane splitting is safer. I did it daily for twenty years. 80+? Not unless I need to get away from a road-raging driver (which has happened to me only a couple of times)

Now I want to address something else. The "Grrrrrrrr."

Listen: "Winning" is a ridiculous compulsion. Nobody "wins" in traffic. Having somebody "beat" you is completely meaningless. Every lane-splitting motorcycle is one fewer car causing traffic. They get better gas mileage than a Prius, take up less space in a parking garage, and while we sometimes have to use the full-size spaces in a normal parking lot, we often share if there are other motorcycles doing the same.

We are not your enemies. We are friends.
From the point of view of a motorcyclist, lane splitting is ridiculously safer than the game of coming to a screeching halt and waiting to be ass-packed. You'd be surprised how much room there is between vehicles, and how much more control you have over the situation. Panic stops are some of the most dangerous things for any vehicles, and having that safety relief valve to avoid them is incredibly useful. Also, when cars hit motorcycles, the story is almost always "But I didn't see her!" Cars, especially in traffic, often make lunging, unpredictable lane changes when there's a speed differential between lanes. On very rare occasions they do this into another vehicle, but it's fairly common that they do this into a motorcycle in an empty lane.

Lane splitting is safer. I did it daily for twenty years. 80+? Not unless I need to get away from a road-raging driver (which has happened to me only a couple of times)

Now I want to address something else. The "Grrrrrrrr."

Listen: "Winning" is a ridiculous compulsion. Nobody "wins" in traffic. Having somebody "beat" you is completely meaningless. Every lane-splitting motorcycle is one fewer car causing traffic. They get better gas mileage than a Prius, take up less space in a parking garage, and while we sometimes have to use the full-size spaces in a normal parking lot, we often share if there are other motorcycles doing the same.

We are not your enemies. We are friends.

I have no problem at a light or stop sign if they’re in between cars. That’s much safer than behind a car and being a potential filling in between 2 cookies. The lane split I’m talking about is highway speeds when we cars are already doing 65-70+ mph. I have no problem if I’m stuck in traffic that motorcyclists are lane splitting and getting to their destination faster.

A couple people have said above that at highway speeds it’s illegal in CA. But I’m here to tell ya, a lot of people do it. You couldn’t pay me to ride a bike in this state. Noppity nope!
The lane split I’m talking about is highway speeds when we cars are already doing 65-70+ mph. I have no problem if I’m stuck in traffic that motorcyclists are lane splitting and getting to their destination faster.

A couple people have said above that at highway speeds it’s illegal in CA. But I’m here to tell ya, a lot of people do it. You couldn’t pay me to ride a bike in this state. Noppity nope!

Most motorcyclists will not lane split above the speed limit. Some do. Some also ride wheelies down the road. Culprits are often not "motorcyclists"— they're just idiots in it for the macho fad, and they very often become road pizza no matter what they do. We call them squids, and you can usually tell who they are by their shorts, tank tops, and light shoes. You'll often see them on bikes whose horsepower exceeds their IQ by more than half. Bonus points for GSXR. (I saw a squid highside a brand new GSXR1k out of the dealer's parking lot in shorts, flip-flops and a T-shirt, with a beanie helmet. I didn't stay to see how things went (there were plenty of witnesses lending aid), but he wasn't moving and the bike was totaled.)

It's illegal to drive above the speed limit, so it follows that it's illegal to lanesplit above the speed limit.
Most motorcyclists will not lane split above the speed limit. Some do. Some also ride wheelies down the road. Culprits are often not "motorcyclists"— they're just idiots in it for the macho fad, and they very often become road pizza no matter what they do. We call them squids, and you can usually tell who they are by their shorts, tank tops, and light shoes. You'll often see them on bikes whose horsepower exceeds their IQ by more than half. Bonus points for GSXR. (I saw a squid highside a brand new GSXR1k out of the dealer's parking lot in shorts, flip-flops and a T-shirt, with a beanie helmet. I didn't stay to see how things went (there were plenty of witnesses lending aid), but he wasn't moving and the bike was totaled.)

It's illegal to drive above the speed limit, so it follows that it's illegal to lanesplit above the speed limit.

I'm just going by what I see. I ROUTINELY get passed by motor cyclists, and I'm doing the speed of the traffic around me in order to drive at safe speed.
Squids, like most other forms of scum, seem to be multiplying in modernity. For the most part I agree with the fox that lane-splitting is perfectly reasonable if done with sanity and caution. Although of course the problem is that as aforementioned multiplication occurs, it occurs in people driving cars, as well, and being on two wheels becomes commensurately more dangerous, however much probity one excercises.