
Sidearm? I would imagine some one of Doug's starchier and fame to have ex Navy Seal security guards with top secret weaponry.
I thought I heard someone say "taylor... doug taylor, secret pilot"...

I'd prefer if he didn't wear any type of "arms"....
I'm going to get a bandana, a "gat" and pull my uniform pants down slightly below the top of my boxers so I look extra tough!

"sup? What fool? back da f*%* up chump!"

Good, clean family fun!

I'd prefer if he didn't wear any type of "arms"....

[/ QUOTE ]

Just your luvin' arms..

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO Eagle!!!

Ain't it true Doug...
What is the deal with MikeD? Where did he go?


MikeD is an enigma.....

He's a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly. He doesn't exist; he was never even born. Anonymity is his name. Silence his native tongue.

He is no longer part of "the system." He's above the system. Over it. Beyond it.

He is part of Men in Black. :D

In fact, don't ever mention MikeD again if you want to live to see your next birthday.....if he wants to surface and instill wisdom.....he'll do so in his own black-ops way.

Oh, by the way, it's considered bad form to necropost a 4yr old thread. :p :hiya:
MikeD is an enigma.....

He's a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly. He doesn't exist; he was never even born. Anonymity is his name. Silence his native tongue.

He is no longer part of "the system." He's above the system. Over it. Beyond it.

He is part of Men in Black. :D

In fact, don't ever mention MikeD again if you want to live to see your next birthday.....if he wants to surface and instill wisdom.....he'll do so in his own black-ops way.

Oh, by the way, it's considered bad form to necropost a 4yr old thread. :p :hiya:

Damn, sure sounds like this dude is giving Chuck Norris a run for his money. It is possible, that.... from the way you guys make this dude sound, he can digest corn! :laff:
He has never left... he is always here... even when he isn't.

That's just the way of MikeD.

MikeD's like Chuck Norris...silent but deadly....:nana2:

and talk about necroposting. did you see the date on this puppy?! HOLY cow!
Sad to point it out, but not even Chuck Norris can digest corn.

Right after typing those words Rocketman heard a sonic boom, no, it wasn't a jet fighter, it was Chuck Norris round house kicking poor Rocketman. :panic::panic::)

Chuck Norris doesn't need to digest corn, corn digests it self when it enters Chuck's body. :D