DCI Shuffle

You should have hung out in MEM with all the check airman coming and going out of headquarters.

I know you personally, so others need to take this without it being a personal attack.

If you saw check airmen at HQ, they were either there for recurrent or a meeting. Now if you were at flight safety, that's where they are beyond crewrooms. Most of them don't have intel. I can tell you by experience and a phone log to prove it. Everyone is guessing. Any "big deal" announcement ALWAYS comes as a total surprise. It's easy to see that the last few have all been from "left field".
I know you personally, so others need to take this without it being a personal attack.

If you saw check airmen at HQ, they were either there for recurrent or a meeting. Now if you were at flight safety, that's where they are beyond crewrooms. Most of them don't have intel. I can tell you by experience and a phone log to prove it. Everyone is guessing. Any "big deal" announcement ALWAYS comes as a total surprise. It's easy to see that the last few have all been from "left field".
I don't know u personally, but thanks for always responding to my questions on PBS! U always give detailed info and help explain why the system wants something. It helps more than you know.
I always wore my blue training lanyard, in combination with my integration 9-number, everyone thought I was brand new.

They even added a /LT tag to our names on CrewTrac if we're under 1,500TT. So I've got /LT, a WMU lanyard, and 9 #. People do all sorts of pre-judging when I walk up to the gate. Maybe I should start wearing my hat too.
What they do at Southernjets when they want to 'float' a rumor is via line check airmen or the "Left Seat" program where only captains are brought to HQ to meet the CEO and go through a "Welcome to the left seat" type program.

Lots of suits, a catered lunch and lots of talk about "four to six weeks, RFP's for orders... Don't put this on the internet but here's something proprietary because you're "special", blah blah blah!"


My favorite new technique is the monthly crew resources update. Floated the new widebody RFP rumor some then pulled it off the web with a new revised edition. The latest buildup to the new AE has been an impressive sales pitch to convince guys that they will get the summer off if they bid the 717 due to training constraints. Obviously they would LOVE to fill the category with guys bidding it directly as opposed to being displaced to it. Unsurprisingly, a few days before the close of the bid the start date of 717 flying gets pushed back and talk of the loss of an available sim all translating to plenty of training time for them to get crews spooled up. So what I expected all along will occur...a VERY small number of people will get a few paid weeks off this summer while the majority of training will be business as usual.
You got it!

There are fewer guys senior to me with prefs for NYC 7ERA than ATL 717A.

Wishful thinking.

"That's yurrr upgrade! Vote yayuh!"
I work at a large regional and we have an entire portion of our union forums dedicated to "rumors." And it not just minor stuff like "hey new expanded flying for ___." Prior the the latest merger there was a thread full of pilots confident that we would be the controlling partner in a merger with 'Merican...

Righhhtttt ;)
I work at a large regional and we have an entire portion of our union forums dedicated to "rumors." And it not just minor stuff like "hey new expanded flying for ___." Prior the the latest merger there was a thread full of pilots confident that we would be the controlling partner in a merger with 'Merican...

Righhhtttt ;)

I wish I had product to sell because, knowing the "pilot mentality" about irrational expectations and how the rumor mill works, I could make millions.

And with those millions, wait... Did I just... make an...irrational...expect...a.....tion.

I work at a large regional and we have an entire portion of our union forums dedicated to "rumors." And it not just minor stuff like "hey new expanded flying for ___." Prior the the latest merger there was a thread full of pilots confident that we would be the controlling partner in a merger with 'Merican...

Righhhtttt ;)
SkyWest buys Delta and American. You heard it here first.
Or, United goes back into BK and is bought on by commutAir... All the Dash guys are stapled to the top of the list!

I'd love to see three commutair guys fly a 777 from EWR to FCO! Well, the Youtube video at least! ha! :)