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Wifey and I went to Madeira this past week. Pano shot from the drone...

Wifey and I went to Madeira this past week. Pano shot from the drone...

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Worth it? We were going to go a few years ago, but the timelines to get covid tests for various countries' entry and transit made it pretty much impossible. It's back on the list once my ankle gets better so I can actually enjoy some of those irrigation ditch hikes.
Worth it? We were going to go a few years ago, but the timelines to get covid tests for various countries' entry and transit made it pretty much impossible. It's back on the list once my ankle gets better so I can actually enjoy some of those irrigation ditch hikes.
For sure! As it happens, I've been having ankle issues too so we didn't adventure quite as much as hoped but did a get a few hikes in. Super fun place with plenty to do or just relax. We splurged a bit (still tend to travel in the dirt poor regional mindset) and stayed at a tiny vineyard that has opened up a few villas for stays. It was amaze. Spent some quality time sipping their wine in the infinity pool.

Driving is ummm...sporty. But fun. We were surprised at how cheap food was there, certainly unexpected given it's somewhat isolated location and general Euro-ness.

The north coast where the vineyard is, is more rurual and chill. We stayed 4 nights there then came back to Funchal and stayed downtown so we could walk to things and bar hop a bit. Good mix of both things for sure.
They are getting close, but still not near the level of a full frame mirrorless camera. Especially as far as the glass goes.

I've actually been thinking about a Sony mirrorless, for precisely that reason. The Sony DSLR I got myself several years back is showing its age, but more importantly the digital space and editing capabilities are so much more impressive. Compared to cellphone cameras, I really think it's the next best thing before another refurbished DSLR camera body.

How is it, digital space-wise? I'm still shopping for a tablet so I can enter the 21st century, since laptops are seemingly obsolete, and I move around too much for a tower. Or, do you use something like Cloud storage?
I've actually been thinking about a Sony mirrorless, for precisely that reason. The Sony DSLR I got myself several years back is showing its age, but more importantly the digital space and editing capabilities are so much more impressive. Compared to cellphone cameras, I really think it's the next best thing before another refurbished DSLR camera body.

How is it, digital space-wise? I'm still shopping for a tablet so I can enter the 21st century, since laptops are seemingly obsolete, and I move around too much for a tower. Or, do you use something like Cloud storage?

The A7R4 shoots 60 megapixel images. the RAW Image files are 60 to 128 megs each. Space can get tight pretty easily. I tend to take a lot of pictures and then delete most of them when I start editing in lightroom. The last trip I took, I think I shot about 500 frames (which still fit on a 512GB card and then ended up with about 120 images at the end. That said, my catalog is rapidly approaching 3 TBs of images. It's worth it though. The quality of the the images out of the camera are pretty good, and with 60 megs of info to work with, I can pull a lot more out via lightroom. Not to mention with the huge image size, I can crop in pretty tight and still keep a lot of resolution.

I wouldn't even bother with getting a DSLR anymore. The capabilities of a mirrorless system far surpass even the high end DSLR cameras, and the lens eco systems have pretty much caught up.

As far as data storage goes, I have the originals on my computer and then I back up the data to two separate 5 TB external hard drives. Amazon Photos (part of Prime) still has unlimited storage, so I back the RAWs up to that as well (although I am about two years behind on that. I also export all of the edits I make as JPGs, and upload those to Google Photos, which get combined with the phone camera feed (when I get the clock on the camera set right), as well as stuff coming off my DJI Mini Pro 3 and various gopros.