daily pic

I'd ask where this magical place is but if you answered it's privacy would be ruined.

This is the third time I've been there in the past 6 years, and every time there are more tourists... but it's the off season right now and "lots" of tourists is still a low number.

Alaska flight 410. Over IA , headed to ORD.

We were taxiing put to 34R at Haneda last night and they told us to hold short of echo. The captain was rolling forward very slowly and I noticed a giant spot 69 painted on the taxiway. Was too slow to grab my phone to get a picture to send to @ChasenSFO though.

And, to be relevant to this thread... I was zoom peeping on the SouthernJets 350 parked next to us to see if @derg was flying it.

We were taxiing put to 34R at Haneda last night and they told us to hold short of echo. The captain was rolling forward very slowly and I noticed a giant spot 69 painted on the taxiway. Was too slow to grab my phone to get a picture to send to @ChasenSFO though.

And, to be relevant to this thread... I was zoom peeping on the SouthernJets 350 parked next to us to see if @derg was flying it.

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Nice! I kind of want to go fly that now!
Is it the one on the corner of 188th and International? If so, I ate at the TacoBell many, many, many times during my crash pad running days.
Probably? It’s pretty much on the way between the terminal and the Johnny Cash Tail School for Kids Who Can’t Fly Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too
In Lima in the back of an Uber sitting in traffic and Bumblebee just roams the streets.

Climbed all these Mf’ers in Guayaquil. What’s funny is the people who quit and just sit on steps or to the side.