Considering Ameriflight interview; could use some answers/input

This is why I need a weird job in aviation. One where I get to fly fastish airplanes low and go to different places. Or at the very least not have the day to day be the same.

Want to trade jobs? You can have my airship gig and I'll take something else? Having a weird job isn't all its cracked up to be. Having a regular schedule and routine would be so nice at times.
Nope. The GF is quite willing to move. But why would we relocate to any of the AMF bases when the money won't be that great and the flying will be to such a limited number of airports? That's something that really gets me down here, and I fly to every single one of our "destinations" except RNO right now. It takes so much out of the adventure of flying.

Most of aviation is like this. Airlines, corporate, cargo. It doesn't matter. Part 135 and fractionals may provide what you are looking for but the QoL at Part 135 charter places tend to SUCK. Fractionals aren't hiring. One is actually on its way out of business (CitationAir).

sure, flying characteristics and the PT6 make them very similar, but throw in the FMS

Personally I have compared older B200's with the 99 with B200 pilots. They are the same beast, one is just pressurized. Also the FMS seems to be separate from the NAV/COM in the older King Airs. They could be flown exactly the same and the people in the back wouldn't have a clue. An FMS isn't exactly rocket science ether. You can download planes with fully working FMSs that are exactly like the FMSs installed on flight sim.

In a single pilot aircraft? Not to mention we do have some CRM at AMF with our FO's. Yes some of them suck, but knowing how to utilize them to the best their ability is definitely a valuable skill being built.


Not a hard concept to grasp. One of the easiest transitions I had going into the Metro was learning the pressurization system and how it operates. Now if the aircraft was a jet going much higher there are definitely more hypoxia type stuff to consider, but a King Air 200 is a mid 20's plane at best.

and the expected level of customer service (to say nothing of stocking and cleaning the airplane yourself) in the corporate world and you've got a whole different beast.

As far as customer service most of us got our 135 time as a CFI. Working directly with the customer / aircraft owner is not exactly a foreign concept to us as the little money made as CFIs was directly dependent on our customer. We also wont complain when it comes time to off load the baggage. 500 pounds of bags and golf clubs is nothing when you offload 2500lbs+ of boxes every day. Most other corporate stuff such as aircraft management, cleaning, stocking and such would have to be learned on the job. No stepping stone to a corporate aircraft can get you that experience.

Freight is seen as a stepping stone to corporate. Stepping stones have never been all encompassing when working toward your ultimate goal. Even regionals don't cover everything you would see at a major. Overwater experience? Good luck.

In the end people do get hired into corporate from AMF. Some people are annoyed that they can't leave but they typically have reasons why they can't progress as fast as they want. "I can't get on with major X" Have you been to career fairs? Have internals? Willing to move? Eventually people can find something holding them back. If corporate is an ultimate goal and you can't move, you will be EXTREMELY limited in options. Many people in the different bases that I have talked to have been running into these issues. The biggest being "I have a family and they aren't willing to move".

We have a few X-AMFers on the boards here that have made King Air transitions and such. Air Ambulance loves Freight. We had a guy get a King Air 350 gig late last year where his cargo experience was actually what may have gotten him the job. Another on the board is waiting for his class with Allegient. Someone from the company also recently go on with JetBlue with no glass/FMS experience. I know as a fact that if you network you can get on at Hawaiian right out of cargo as well.

Cargo isn't as bad as you make it sound. The slow hiring market has definitely hindered movement, but that is the case in every part of the industry other than hiring regional FOs.
Want to trade jobs? You can have my airship gig and I'll take something else? Having a weird job isn't all its cracked up to be. Having a regular schedule and routine would be so nice at times.
If your airship did 250 knots and wasn't gone all the time... sure.
But yeah we're are hiring street captains in metro cincy base fwiw

I have a disturbing fetish to fly a metro. I have a short bucket list of planes I want to fly and this is near the top for some reason. hahaha I doubt they'd take 2500/300 though.
I wonder how low time they can/will go for a metro. Anyone know if they run 99s out of CVG or SDF?
Point being is that while I like where I'm at in 91 management., at 1800/600, it'd be a while until I had enough time to move to the left side. My checkbook isn't deep enough for that anyway... I consider anything a step-up that involves sitting in the left seat of a twin. And with the potential at AMF of flying multi and burning Jet-A, it'd be a possibility for me at SDF or CVG.

Not to mention the pure loathing that Boris has of the Beech 99. I'm a glutton for punishment and I want to "have it out" with that trim.
Not really. I flew a few hundred hours in a 12 year old B200 and even that airplane had an FMS. Oh sure, flying characteristics and the PT6 make them very similar, but throw in the FMS, CRM, pressurization and the expected level of customer service (to say nothing of stocking and cleaning the airplane yourself) in the corporate world and you've got a whole different beast.

Yes - BE99 time is directly relevant to flying a KingAir 90/200. I'm a hiring manager and would have no hesitation putting a BE99 freight driver in a BE20 with just recurrent and differences.
Yes - BE99 time is directly relevant to flying a KingAir 90/200. I'm a hiring manager and would have no hesitation putting a BE99 freight driver in a BE20 with just recurrent and differences.

That's music to my ears and a big reason as to why I would like to talk to AMF.
I'd say go fly Alaska or something like that — something more "yoke and windscreen".

Some can literally spend more time briefing a maneuver than actually flying it and they still botch it. That's the trend in professional aviation.
Ha. 10 legs today and I only saw 3 airports. But the funny thing is, with the weather today, each flight was totally different.
Some can literally spend more time briefing a maneuver than actually flying it and they still botch it. That's the trend in professional aviation.
Good god, tell me about it. They can brief and read etc all day, but they can't fly the damn airplane when the crap gets tough.
Which is why my current favorite saying is FTFA. It gets so lost in everything thing else.. that when it comes down to it, is frivolous BS, people forget they need to fly.
Good god, tell me about it. They can brief and read etc all day, but they can't fly the damn airplane when the crap gets tough.
Which is why my current favorite saying is FTFA. It gets so lost in everything thing else.. that when it comes down to it, is frivolous BS, people forget they need to fly.

Which is why I'm so out spoken that "better operators" start pulling from the freight world. There's pure gold over here. We're not all loners that work in profanity like an artist works in oil.
Cargo isn't as bad as you make it sound. The slow hiring market has definitely hindered movement, but that is the case in every part of the industry other than hiring regional FOs.

It's not. But I think we both know that AMF is going to have to make some adjustments in order to continue to be a desirable destination. I believe we actually had this discussion in person.

Yes - BE99 time is directly relevant to flying a KingAir 90/200. I'm a hiring manager and would have no hesitation putting a BE99 freight driver in a BE20 with just recurrent and differences.

Well that's cool.
It's not. But I think we both know that AMF is going to have to make some adjustments in order to continue to be a desirable destination. I believe we actually had this discussion in person.
As the song goes. "Every rose has its thorns."