Considering Ameriflight interview; could use some answers/input

Fair enough. I'll qualify it as "one of the best" and base that on operational reach and safety record.
I'll give you operational reach. But again, there's more than freight in 135, and they may be "safe" compared to the state of Alaska, but not most pax operations.
I think 'Dying' is going too far. I wouldn't say my time there was nearly that bad. Once you get past the abysmal training and get to a base, it was more like 'Waiting'.
I think 'Dying' is going too far. I wouldn't say my time there was nearly that bad. Once you get past the abysmal training and get to a base, it was more like 'Waiting'.
No. His base is dying. I have seen several runs die off with nothing to replace them. Heck, all the Navasucks are gone. All chieftain fleet now.
Ah, well, the Chieftains won't last longer than the bank flights anyway. AMF is destined to be a pure package freight feeder.
[quote="Cal Goat]

Yeah buddy, but you would only take the upgrade if it happened here. And if our now-most-senior Metro pilot gets another job and your indoc roommate gets the upgrade, you'll be flying that 99 for years. I'm just saying that given the situations that arise, I get why they would hire off the street into the Metro.

Just my opinion, but AMF no longer offers benefits that can be reconciled with their QOL. As I type this, I am sitting in a dingy crew apartment (because this job has such high turnover, no one takes care of these places) with dingy old furniture falling apart that the company will NOT replace (I've had them bitch at me for expensing too many cleaning supplies). A crew car is rotting away at another layover because the company refuses to pay $500 to fix an oil leak, so now another pilot has to pick me up during his "rest" period because we only have one crew car for 2 flights that arrive at different times. Meanwhile, some FO at a regional is resting in a reasonably clean hotel room.

I probably sound angry or bitter with the company, but I'm not really. It's a good operation. Undoubtedly the best 135 company in America from what I can see. But it doesn't fit my particular needs and just based on the OP's stated requirements for a job, I doubt it's what he's looking for either.[/quote]

Oh I don't wrap myself into being part of the "mad pilot population" I speak of. In fact we haven't experienced that at this base due to the fact we have a lack of runs. And I agree with you. My indoc roommate seems to be the only one that doesn't feel the way everyone else does which is funny but thats a whole other issue. I still enjoy my time here, I enjoy the 99 but of course I wish I was flying it more, or flying a 1900 or Metro. You're issues with QOL right now are literally because of one person. Nor you or I are willing to move right now so we have to deal with it. But we deal with stuff that no other bases have to deal with. OAK is the only base that has exclusively crew apts. Laying over in a clean hotel does so much more for QOL. My rest suffers because I can't sleep in the crew apts.
Ah, well, the Chieftains won't last longer than the bank flights anyway. AMF is destined to be a pure package freight feeder.

Only if new runs are generated. AMF won't survive in the same capacity unless the bank runs are replaced with more UPS DHL runs. Which is the problem at the Chieftain bases.
But we deal with stuff that no other bases have to deal with.
This is very true.

If you want a QOL base, then put an open bid out for SEA. Extremely nice runs and the base seems nice. SLC is good too. I think the bank work clogs some peoples minds about how the company is as a whole.
Guys, I can't thank you all enough for your input.

I had a Corporate job with great potential..but that was about it. Things didn't work out and seeing as how I didn't meet my goal of getting a new Corporate gig this year, I feel the need to move on and maybe pick it up again in the future. I've got interview offers from Ameriflight, Silver, and IBC and so I plan on going through with each one, seeing what fits me best. I was reminded today how tired I am of the 12-14hrs duty days and I really don't want to do this anymore, though my company is a mess (thank goodness the pay is excellent); I'm guessing all part 135 is going to be like this. The only reasons I'm considering Silver is due to the chance of being a captain at a Part 121, staying in S. Fl and the FMS, CRM, Multi-crew aspects someone mentioned...which will come in handy. As for the money, I guess I could find a way to get by..I've never paid rent in my life but I just pitch in around the paying $500 for a • hole is not going to fit in with $40k or less, which is why I'm pushing to stay in S. Fl.

I fell in love with Corporate though, and want to be open to it in the future...though it seems you have to be someone exceptionally special to get a job in even the smallest department. I've done plenty of networking so I'm at my wit's end, just dying to move up in experience and pay.

I'm going to read up on these three companies, and if you or anyone else can fill me in on Silver and IBC, I'd appreciate it... And if anyone is in the MIA area, you're my guests at my favorite dive bars! You've all made some great points and I've got a lot to consider. I'm glad I posted!

Long day, going to bed. Thanks again!

BTW Dan208..funny you mention the neighborhood thing because I live right next to KOPF where they keep a Metro's not the greatest of neighborhoods around this airport! I think we had the highest teen mortality rate last year..yet I never see trouble. Maybe I have that going for me too :p
This is very true.

If you want a QOL base, then put an open bid out for SEA. Extremely nice runs and the base seems nice. SLC is good too. I think the bank work clogs some peoples minds about how the company is as a whole.

ITs true I am sure. The all turbine bases seem to be so damn nice.
Think about this part very carefully if you even want to consider corporate. The majority, I'm talking 9 out of 10 or maybe even 99 out of 100(if I ever talk to 100 people) captains from corporate departments that I've talked to will NOT hire airline pilots. John Deere, 3M, and HON(to name some big timers) will throw your resume in the trash if there's an airline on it. Even if you're dating the chief pilot's daughter.

Yeah, but do those flight departments have any interest in a Metro captain with 3000 hours of TPIC? Based on the openings I've seen, I'd say no. Major flight departments like that want time in the types that THEY fly. In my 12 years of GA experience, I am certain that very few Fortune 500 companies fly Metros, 1900s, or Brasilias.
I thought is was because of a GF anchor like most others at the base.

Nope. The GF is quite willing to move. But why would we relocate to any of the AMF bases when the money won't be that great and the flying will be to such a limited number of airports? That's something that really gets me down here, and I fly to every single one of our "destinations" except RNO right now. It takes so much out of the adventure of flying.

If we relocate from a place we both love, there really needs to be the right incentives.

Actually, 99 is King Air time. IMHO

Not really. I flew a few hundred hours in a 12 year old B200 and even that airplane had an FMS. Oh sure, flying characteristics and the PT6 make them very similar, but throw in the FMS, CRM, pressurization and the expected level of customer service (to say nothing of stocking and cleaning the airplane yourself) in the corporate world and you've got a whole different beast.
Yeah, but do those flight departments have any interest in a Metro captain with 3000 hours of TPIC? Based on the openings I've seen, I'd say no. Major flight departments like that want time in the types that THEY fly. In my 12 years of GA experience, I am certain that very few Fortune 500 companies fly Metros, 1900s, or Brasilias.

Actually yes. Very yes. You have to remember that the majority of those job postings are there only to comply with their "equal opportunity" policies. They've already got someone in mind, if not in the position already. Main thing I was getting at was that to get a 91/135 job, you're gonna have to be on that side of the airport. You're gonna also need turbine time and freight takes care of these things.
Nope. The GF is quite willing to move. But why would we relocate to any of the AMF bases when the money won't be that great and the flying will be to such a limited number of airports? That's something that really gets me down here, and I fly to every single one of our "destinations" except RNO right now. It takes so much out of the adventure of flying.
I agree. Going to the same airport... or even the same 15 airports is sooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. You can dial frequencies, and shoot the approaches in your sleep. Don't even need charts!
It reminds me of a training environment in the fact that you only go where you're 100% comfortable.
Thats how 75% of professional flying is, and 100% of 121 flying.... Going to the same airports sucks but that doesn't bug me. Short flight time bugs me.
I agree. Going to the same airport... or even the same 15 airports is sooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. You can dial frequencies, and shoot the approaches in your sleep. Don't even need charts!
It reminds me of a training environment in the fact that you only go where you're 100% comfortable.

I've probably been to seven or eight in the last 12 months.
I've probably been to seven or eight in the last 12 months.
This is why I need a weird job in aviation. One where I get to fly fastish airplanes low and go to different places. Or at the very least not have the day to day be the same.
I'd say go fly Alaska or something like that — something more "yoke and windscreen".

Some can literally spend more time briefing a maneuver than actually flying it and they still botch it. That's the trend in professional aviation.