Colgan Flight 3407 Grief Chat


Mama Bear....
Staff member
9PM EST (unmoderated) in the JC AIM room

just go to AIM
then Chat
Buddy Chat
New chat
Enter your SN
then change "chat8e378792348" to "jetcareers"

Come light a candle, talk about the people you knew, express your grief even if you didn't know anyone, hold hands and help your JC (esp Colgan & BUF ATC) peeps get through this sad time.

We are a community, we can get through this together....

If 9EST doesn't work for the majority, we can make it earlier or have various times as well....

you let me know... i'll be here all day.


< SteveC edit to add these very pertinent words: >

To further back up what Velo said-

In times like this it's normal to feel bad and feel shocked. You might feel a slightly surreal sense of detachment from your perceived surroundings. Maybe even a bit like life is a movie playing on a screen in front of your face and just swimming around you.

You might also be spiked on adrenaline and anger, or just feel sad, sullen, and depressed. Either way, you feel a little more distant from the world around you than normal.

Stop and take an honest assessment of how you really feel, and then SLOW DOWN.

Times like this make it difficult to understand one's true state of mind, but you may not be as composed as you think you are.

This, unfortunately, is a fairly normal response.

If you feel like this, I strongly suggest you speak with someone- ANYONE.. about how you're feeling. I helps more than you might realize and will benefit not just you but everyone around you.

This goes double for working crews. The additional level of distraction inherent in times like these can be taxing and erode your effectiveness.

Don't be the 'tough guy' that doesn't speak up because you think you can 'handle it'.

I speak from personal and witnessed experience- nobody's that tough. This sort of thing is insidiously subtle and strangely pervasive.

Get it out in the open. Nobody needs to face how they feel alone right now.
Hey I used to be a colganite, took a leave to come to Afghanistan in October, can anyone tell me the crew, I wonder if I knew any, PM with the info, and my prayers go to their families and friends.
Hey I used to be a colganite, took a leave to come to Afghanistan in October, can anyone tell me the crew, I wonder if I knew any, PM with the info, and my prayers go to their families and friends.

the crew is listed somewhere in the thread. the company released the list some time ago.
Hey I used to be a colganite, took a leave to come to Afghanistan in October, can anyone tell me the crew, I wonder if I knew any, PM with the info, and my prayers go to their families and friends.

Read the 11-page thread a few clicks below this thread. The crew list was officially released early this morning and is on page 7 or 8 of that thread.
Dear Becca,

My prayers are with you and your family. May you rest in peace and find a better place now. All of you that do not know. Becca or as you may here on the T.V. Rebecca Shaw is a graduate student of Central Washington Univ. We training in the best environment here in the northwest for all weather flying.

Becca you are going to be missed!
ok, the flashchat link is now posted on the first post....See you all tonight... Don't forget to bring a beverage.
ok, the flashchat link is now posted on the first post....See you all tonight... Don't forget to bring a beverage.

maybe my setup, but it does not appear to work in FireFox. works in I.E. though.
try works on safari and firefox from what i can tell. you might have to type in your jc login to get in....otherwise, it should be automatic.
try works on safari and firefox from what i can tell. you might have to type in your jc login to get in....otherwise, it should be automatic.

works now. didn't get a sign in window like I did earlier. thx
Yep it was working at 320 and still working.

I 'think' if you are signed into JC you wont need to sign into the chat.
It might just be an overseas thing, but I am also unable to log in. It keeps saying my login stuff is incorrect. I am loged into JC, as you can tell.

Maybe only mods can login right now?!

Oh yeah, I'm trying in Firefox and IE
are you getting a login box or just an error message?
It goes through the full set-up just like some other sites, and then a login box pops up. I put my info in and it says login information invalid, or something like that...

I have tried several times, and no joy.

"Incorrect username or password. Please try again." is what I keep getting.