CNN reviews Gulfstream Academy


Well-Known Member
This morning CNN did a fairly good overview about fast track training, highlighting GA and some of the beliefs that 250 hour pilots might be an issue.

This is not a thread to debate the merits of a 250 hr FO, fast track programs or anything else, merely my stating that I think CNN did a pretty good job putting some things into the public light.
This morning CNN did a fairly good overview about fast track training, highlighting GA and some of the beliefs that 250 hour pilots might be an issue.

This is not a thread to debate the merits of a 250 hr FO, fast track programs or anything else, merely my stating that I think CNN did a pretty good job putting some things into the public light.

Just watched it, not bad. Would have been nice if didn't call the 30k "tuition" since really, at that point, you are done your comm rating.
You guys should really be celebrating this - for years you've talked about wanting to get the word about Gulfstream out there. Now it's finally happening.

Now we just need to get a few members here to stand at the terminal with signs and handouts reading "Ask your pilot how much he paid to fly you today"
I'm feeling like burnin' some s--- down - who wants to stand with me at TPA and pass out fliers this weekend? This is a great opportunity to spread the word.
The only question I have is whether this will mean anything at all. When you've got people talking about how "outrageous" a $500 fare from New York to LA is, I wonder if they give a damn about this kind of situation.

Or if they even know. Seriously, Jethro who lives in the trailer park probably doesn't even watch CNN or any other news network.
Good job by CNN over all. The only objection to the article is that it makes it seem like Gulfstream is the only airline out there hiring low time pilots, while all other airlines require thousands of hours.

There is no mention of the fact that a short while ago most regionals were hiring lots of pilots with only 500TT
I thing this video is a bit disingenuous. It makes it seem like GA is the only one doing this. And the mustache guy says this is not a career to be rushed, and while I agree, I think the seniority system makes people rush into it. I don't think a fast track program is bad, it's good to be fully immersed in ones training. A friend of mine is a FO on Chaq. and he went there. Said he liked it for the most part. I think GIA has bigger issues with their maintence system than they do with their pilots. Plus they argue how unsafe low time piltos are, yet airtravel is still the safest form of transportation, and a crash is going to happen now and then do to any number of reasons.
The only question I have is whether this will mean anything at all. When you've got people talking about how "outrageous" a $500 fare from New York to LA is, I wonder if they give a damn about this kind of situation.

Or if they even know. Seriously, Jethro who lives in the trailer park probably doesn't even watch CNN or any other news network.

I have a cousin who has been a travel agent for 20 years. We got into a heated argument a couple of years ago about the price of airfare. She insisted the airlines and greedy pilots were all raking in the cash. I pointed out that most airlines had lost money that year and she was certain it was a lie. I also pointed out the fact that I flew halfway across the country for $106 on Continental. I bought the ticket on Expedia. She said that was a fair price. I drove to the same destination I bought the ticket for a few months later. It took me 24 hours of actual drive time plus the 8 hrs I sleep in the car at a couple of rest stops and $250 in gas. That was only one way. I don't talk to my cousin much any more.
I'm curious to see how long GIA will be the leper of the flight training/regional airline world.

If it sticks, we may have just made a huge stride forward.