There are definite links from pay to safety:
See, all of these things connect. Money doesn't create safety, but it mitigates other factors that are a detriment to safety.
Im sorry..with all due respect...not necessarily the case..
Pilots who work at major airlines where the salaries are good and the work rules are relatively favorable still commute across country. Sully is one high profile example. The guy lives in California and is based in Charlotte.
Five of my closest friends commute or have commuted across at least two time zones for years in this business. one of them is at a major making six figures.
And just because someone works for a decent salary and has great work rules doesn't prevent them from doing stupid and/or unsafe things in an airplane.
The Major airline that up until a couple of years ago had THE best paid pilots with THE best contract in the business has still had two fatal accidents due to negligence on the part of the pilots in the last 15 years.
Once again, it comes down to professionalism. We ALL wish we made more money and I'm all for pilots making what they are really worth.
But once you accept the job and/or are in the cockpit it is your professional responsibilty to conduct yourself accordingly.
If a pilot cant handle the commute or it is too much to bear, then dont take the job.
When I was looking for my first regional job, I turned down an offer at Eagle because they told me the new hire base was San Juan. I live in Arizona. I decided that that was an unacceptable deal for me.
When I got to Mesa, I had a chance to upgrade to captain after about a year and a half, but didnt because I found out that I would be based in either Plattsburg, NY or Panama City, Florida with only eight days off a month. That was unacceptable to me so I declined the upgrade.
Its about choices. She chose to take a job at Colgan and chose to make a 3000 mile commute. That's not the company's fault.
Im telling you guys, if you start getting the government involved in legislating what people make, its going to backfire and more jobs will be lost because they will go out of business or cut back operations.