Challenger Truckee

With that attitude, everything you do, your ancestors did, and your children will do is absolutely without meaning. Your might as well be a shepherd living in a cave.
Well, in reality. YOU and I, and HE... already are living in "that attitude". It's NOT an attitude, my brother. It's just reality. Deal with it. Just try your best not to rip people off or kill your neighbors in the meantime while your mind adjusts to the fact that your rebuttal actually reflects reality perfectly. That said, YOU and I and He... do matter. But just right now, and for each other. In the longer term, your rebuttal stands.

Also, I've known several shepherds... None of them ever lived in caves. ...just for clarification of the facts.
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Well, in reality. YOU and I, and HE... already are living in "that attitude". It's NOT an attitude, my brother. It's just reality. Deal with it. Just try your best not to rip people off or kill your neighbors in the meantime while your mind adjusts to the fact that your rebuttal actually reflects reality perfectly.

Did you know the opposite of bot is tob?
Did you know the opposite of bot is tob?
Do you know that YOU are not dealing with the facts of reality?

Not very well, or accurately, anyway...

Everything is just time and pressure. Humans should focus most of their ephemeral efforts on the time part; not the pressure... and just focus on being decent to each other. Not even asking for nice. Just decent. Extra credit for honest and forthright.

Don't be bummed, though! Be happy. You'll likely NEVER see this kind of information on any Faux News channel selling you the very potato chips you're eating while watching.
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Do you know that YOU are not dealing with the facts of reality?

Not very well, or accurately, anyway...

Everything is just time and pressure. Humans should focus most of their ephemeral efforts on the time part; not the pressure.

Don't be bummed, though! Be happy. You'll likely NEVER see this kind of information on any Faux News channel selling you the very potato chips you're eating while watching.
Did you know this thread is WAY off topic? Move this to the lavatory if you want to discuss the realities of life.
Did you know this thread is WAY off topic? Move this to the lavatory if you want to discuss the realities of life.
That's not my call, Budro. I typically just reply. I don't tend to instigate.

Good replies tend to cover much bigger issues. Those bigger issues, to some folks, seem to present as "wandering" off thread. That's just a perception based on a lack of relevant context.

As I said in my initial reply to you... LITTLE mistakes lead to BIG mistakes. That's why it's best to catch 'em in bud. Never let 'em go to seed.
With that attitude, everything you do, your ancestors did, and your children will do is absolutely without meaning. Your might as well be a shepherd living in a cave.

We are still talking billions of years. So that’s not a foregone conclusion. On the micro level, you could say we’re all gonna die at 75-90 so what’s the point?

Civilization on earth (whatever form that may be, with or without humans at that point) will have to figure out what to do as the sun starts to die out.
Yes, it is. I'm not going to feed the troll.
Guess you just did, by your perception.

Just for your edification... I'm not a troll. I'm not a bot. I'm just a guy who gives a rat's ass about a lot of issues most people don't even notice as being part of much larger issues.

As the great writer, E.M. Forster once said, "Only connect."
Guess you just did, by your perception.

Just for your edification... I'm not a troll. I'm not a bot. I'm just a guy who gives a rat's ass about a lot of issues most people don't even notice as being part of much larger issues.

As the great writer, E.M. Forster once said, "Only connect."
It doesn't take much insight to know that smaller mistakes can lead to bigger mistakes. What an epiphany. Have you proffered any solutions to these "calamities?" Otherwise, you're just making noise.

I think you could use more precise language. The mudslide in Papa New Guinea was a calamity. COVID-19 was a calamity. The war in Ukraine was calamity. The January 6 insurrection was (maybe) a calamity. The Madagascar drout was a calamity. The massive flooding in Lybia and earthquakes in Turkey and Haiti were calamities. The tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan was a calamity. Hurricane Katrina was a calamity. So was 911 and the 2008 Super Tuesday Tornado Outbreak were calamities. Point is, they are usually a singular, measurable event causing widespread destruction, often if a natural origin. You could say that, for example, the engineers failing to ensure the buildings in Turkey were built to proper earthquake standards was a mistake that led to disastrous consequence, but the precipitous of the calamity was the earthquake. The lack of building standards only exacerbated the calamity.
It doesn't take much insight to know that smaller mistakes can lead to bigger mistakes. What an epiphany. Have you proffered any solutions to these "calamities?" Otherwise, you're just making noise.

I think you could use more precise language. The mudslide in Papa New Guinea was a calamity. COVID-19 was a calamity. The war in Ukraine was calamity. The January 6 insurrection was (maybe) a calamity. The Madagascar drout was a calamity. The massive flooding in Lybia and earthquakes in Turkey and Haiti were calamities. The tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan was a calamity. Hurricane Katrina was a calamity. So was 911 and the 2008 Super Tuesday Tornado Outbreak were calamities. Point is, they are usually a singular, measurable event causing widespread destruction, often if a natural origin. You could say that, for example, the engineers failing to ensure the buildings in Turkey were built to proper earthquake standards was a mistake that led to disastrous consequence, but the precipitous of the calamity was the earthquake. The lack of building standards only exacerbated the calamity.
If it's such an epiphany, why did you neglect to mention that salient sauciness until you -apparently- felt yourself backed into a corner?

I agree with you. You cite some good examples. So, again, I'm gonna go ahead and ask you the question you didn't answer yet. How, precisely, do you "feel" that you and I disagree on the definition of a "calamity"?

I'll wax ramptious* on how I "feel" about such happenings. (*I made up that word, btw. it's a delicious combo platter of rapacious and sumptuous. just so's you know.)

Of the items you mentioned, most were man-made, at least ultimately. Some were apriori "natural". The issue around "natural" obviously being, were those calamities truly natural, like the earthquake(s)? Somewhat natural? Or purely man-made? I mean, in the case of FukUsALLShima, the earthquake WAS natural, but the resultant nuclear plant meltdown was clearly a function of typical human ineptitude (due to a massive failure of imagination and statistical analysis related to an adequate threat analysis regarding the plant).

The Madagascar drought ("drout": see above) was perhaps a naturally occurring vicissitude of weather. Then again, it easily might have been based on the fact that the Agulhas Current in the Indian Ocean has grown increasing FUBAR the last 30 years because of global warming and resultant sea-temperature changes (BTW, that's the same current that has VSF'd the annual east-African sardine run). So, who knows on that one. Same with Hurricane Katrina and every other future hurricane - in regards to both amplitude and frequency. Hurricanes have always happened, but we know for sure they are getting way more frequent and intense due to more heat (if you speak Physics, Heat=Energy). This goes for any and all weather events (flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, straight-line winds, etc, etc.) I'll leave it to your rarified perspicacity to determine what you think is the underlying - if not direcly connectable - cause for the increase in amplitude and frequency of all that chaos and destruction. Dare I say... "Disruption"?? Lol, not lol.

The J6 Insurection? Yup, calamity. Yup, purely man-made. Yup, purely illegal. Yup, purely insane and self-harming. Yup, purely based on a chisler's gas-lighting of the most vulnerable, underinformed and suggestible in our society. Very insidious. Very evil. Still, ALL man-made.

The Earthquake in Turkey? Well, again, not the earthquake itself. That's naturally occuring. That's a known threat that we KNOW will happen; We just don't know when. The horrendous "calamity" that resulted??? Yup, calamity. Almost entirely caused by a thoroughly corrupted governent system (not structure, but system). The City Government of Antakya?? President Erdogan?? •-oshimingly spherically corrupt. Deals cut. Payments made. This is precisely the kind of chaos and horror we can expect right here in 'Murica if His Great Orangeness actually convinces enough idiots to vote for him next November. Erdogan hollowed out state institutions. He placed loyalists in key positions. He enriched his cronies. Erdogon's mafia ways - like a D9 - paved the way for the tragic calamity.

So, after all that, what is your question? By implication of your diminishment of my original question to you, is your present question: "Am I worthy? Have I ever done anything - myself- to make the world a better place?" I can say yes to that, in multitudes. And, you'll just have to believe me. I'm not going to tell you precsisely what, because that would "out" me.

Or, is your question -still - do you and I differ in our definition of "calamity"?

I think not, my friend. Not much, anyway. I might ascribe to "calamity" a more ferocious servity than I take you to do. I consider calamities to be, perhaps, more unrecoverable events than you seem to. I take you to see them more as garden variety distasters. Still, I think we're on the same page, or at least in the same chapter and verse.. Me, personally? I've never doubted that.

My concern isn't that disasters happen from time to time. My concern is that we - YOU, I, US - are knowingly continuing to act in furtherance of the frequency and amplitude of those distasters and not very worried 'cause, you know, we're gettin' paid, buyin' drinks, and gettin' laid. And, we've got bitchin' rides, dude!

Who cares if we burn the atmosphere off the earth? We'll be dead by then anyway!
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If it's such an epiphany, why did you neglect to mention that salient sauciness until you -apparently- felt yourself backed into a corner?

I agree with you. You cite some good examples. So, again, I'm gonna go ahead and ask you the question you didn't answer yet. How, precisely, do you "feel" that you and I disagree on the definition of a "calamity"?

I'll wax ramptious* on how I "feel" about such happenings. (*I made up that word, btw. it's a delicious combo platter of rapacious and sumptuous. just so's you know.)

Of the items you mentioned, most were man-made, at least ultimately. Some were apriori "natural". The issue around "natural" obviously being, were those calamities truly natural, like the earthquake(s)? Somewhat natural? Or purely man-made? I mean, in the case of FukUsALLShima, the earthquake WAS natural, but the resultant nuclear plant meltdown was clearly a function of typical human ineptitude (due to a massive failure of imagination and statistical analysis related to an adequate threat analysis regarding the plant).

The Madagascar drought ("drout": see above) was perhaps a naturally occurring vicissitude of weather. Then again, it easily might have been based on the fact that the Agulhas Current in the Indian Ocean has grown increasing FUBAR the last 30 years because of global warming and resultant sea-temperature changes (BTW, that's the same current that has VSF'd the annual east-African sardine run). So, who knows on that one. Same with Hurricane Katrina and every other future hurricane - in regards to both amplitude and frequency. Hurricanes have always happened, but we know for sure they are getting way more frequent and intense due to more heat (if you speak Physics, Heat=Energy). This goes for any and all weather events (flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, straight-line winds, etc, etc.) I'll leave it to your rarified perspicacity to determine what you think is the underlying - if not direcly connectable - cause for the increase in amplitude and frequency of all that chaos and destruction. Dare I say... "Disruption"?? Lol, not lol.

The J6 Insurection? Yup, calamity. Yup, purely man-made. Yup, purely illegal. Yup, purely insane and self-harming. Yup, purely based on a chisler's gas-lighting of the most vulnerable, underinformed and suggestible in our society. Very insidious. Very evil. Still, ALL man-made.

The Earthquake in Turkey? Well, again, not the earthquake itself. That's naturally occuring. That's a known threat that we KNOW will happen; We just don't know when. The horrendous "calamity" that resulted??? Yup, calamity. Almost entirely caused by a thoroughly corrupted governent system (not structure, but system). The City Government of Antakya?? President Erdogan?? •-oshimingly spherically corrupt. Deals cut. Payments made. This is precisely the kind of chaos and horror we can expect right here in 'Murica if His Great Orangeness actually convinces enough idiots to vote for him next November. Erdogan hollowed out state institutions. He placed loyalists in key positions. He enriched his cronies. Erdogon's mafia ways - like a D9 - paved the way for the tragic calamity.

So, after all that, what is your question? By implication of your diminishment of my original question to you, is your present question: "Am I worthy? Have I ever done anything - myself- to make the world a better place?" I can say yes to that, in multitudes. And, you'll just have to believe me. I'm not going to tell you precsisely what, because that would "out" me.

Or, is your question -still - do you and I differ in our definition of "calamity"?

I think not, my friend. Not much, anyway. I might ascribe to "calamity" a more ferocious servity than I take you to do. I consider calamities to be, perhaps, more unrecoverable events than you seem to. I take you to see them more as garden variety distasters. Still, I think we're on the same page, or at least in the same chapter and verse.. Me, personally? I've never doubted that.

My concern isn't that disasters happen from time to time. My concern is that we - YOU, I, US - are knowingly continuing to act in furtherance of the frequency and amplitude of those distasters and not very worried 'cause, you know, we're gettin' paid, buyin' drinks, and gettin' laid. And, we've got bitchin' rides, dude!

Who cares if we burn the atmosphere off the earth? We'll be dead by then anyway!
(directly, insurrection, occurring, government, precisely, severity, disasters, disasters) Mea culpa. I hit "save" too early to proof, and Derg's clock ran out on me. I blame beer.)
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If it's such an epiphany, why did you neglect to mention that salient sauciness until you -apparently- felt yourself backed into a corner?

I agree with you. You cite some good examples. So, again, I'm gonna go ahead and ask you the question you didn't answer yet. How, precisely, do you "feel" that you and I disagree on the definition of a "calamity"?

I'll wax ramptious* on how I "feel" about such happenings. (*I made up that word, btw. it's a delicious combo platter of rapacious and sumptuous. just so's you know.)

Of the items you mentioned, most were man-made, at least ultimately. Some were apriori "natural". The issue around "natural" obviously being, were those calamities truly natural, like the earthquake(s)? Somewhat natural? Or purely man-made? I mean, in the case of FukUsALLShima, the earthquake WAS natural, but the resultant nuclear plant meltdown was clearly a function of typical human ineptitude (due to a massive failure of imagination and statistical analysis related to an adequate threat analysis regarding the plant).

The Madagascar drought ("drout": see above) was perhaps a naturally occurring vicissitude of weather. Then again, it easily might have been based on the fact that the Agulhas Current in the Indian Ocean has grown increasing FUBAR the last 30 years because of global warming and resultant sea-temperature changes (BTW, that's the same current that has VSF'd the annual east-African sardine run). So, who knows on that one. Same with Hurricane Katrina and every other future hurricane - in regards to both amplitude and frequency. Hurricanes have always happened, but we know for sure they are getting way more frequent and intense due to more heat (if you speak Physics, Heat=Energy). This goes for any and all weather events (flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, straight-line winds, etc, etc.) I'll leave it to your rarified perspicacity to determine what you think is the underlying - if not direcly connectable - cause for the increase in amplitude and frequency of all that chaos and destruction. Dare I say... "Disruption"?? Lol, not lol.

The J6 Insurection? Yup, calamity. Yup, purely man-made. Yup, purely illegal. Yup, purely insane and self-harming. Yup, purely based on a chisler's gas-lighting of the most vulnerable, underinformed and suggestible in our society. Very insidious. Very evil. Still, ALL man-made.

The Earthquake in Turkey? Well, again, not the earthquake itself. That's naturally occuring. That's a known threat that we KNOW will happen; We just don't know when. The horrendous "calamity" that resulted??? Yup, calamity. Almost entirely caused by a thoroughly corrupted governent system (not structure, but system). The City Government of Antakya?? President Erdogan?? •-oshimingly spherically corrupt. Deals cut. Payments made. This is precisely the kind of chaos and horror we can expect right here in 'Murica if His Great Orangeness actually convinces enough idiots to vote for him next November. Erdogan hollowed out state institutions. He placed loyalists in key positions. He enriched his cronies. Erdogon's mafia ways - like a D9 - paved the way for the tragic calamity.

So, after all that, what is your question? By implication of your diminishment of my original question to you, is your present question: "Am I worthy? Have I ever done anything - myself- to make the world a better place?" I can say yes to that, in multitudes. And, you'll just have to believe me. I'm not going to tell you precsisely what, because that would "out" me.

Or, is your question -still - do you and I differ in our definition of "calamity"?

I think not, my friend. Not much, anyway. I might ascribe to "calamity" a more ferocious servity than I take you to do. I consider calamities to be, perhaps, more unrecoverable events than you seem to. I take you to see them more as garden variety distasters. Still, I think we're on the same page, or at least in the same chapter and verse.. Me, personally? I've never doubted that.

My concern isn't that disasters happen from time to time. My concern is that we - YOU, I, US - are knowingly continuing to act in furtherance of the frequency and amplitude of those distasters and not very worried 'cause, you know, we're gettin' paid, buyin' drinks, and gettin' laid. And, we've got bitchin' rides, dude!

Who cares if we burn the atmosphere off the earth? We'll be dead by then anyway!
You made no reference of calamaties and basically referenced various sociatal woes as calamaties without providing any specific example. I'm done with this conversation.
How do you perceive my understanding of the word "calamity" to differ with yours or those of your "abridged" MW online...

Also (irrelevant in this particular case and/or question) there is THIS to consider when considering a "dictionary"...

The American Heritage Dictionary was launched in 1969, with the goal of restoring lexicographical standards that many felt had been recklessly abandoned when Merriam-Webster published Webster’s Third Unabridged, in 1961. Webster3 did away with usage labels like “colloquial,” “incorrect,” and “humorous.” It lopped 250,000 entries out of its predecessor to make room for 100,000 new words (“unabridged,” eh?). And it was “descriptive,” promising only to inform people about how words are used. If folks said “irregardless,” then “irregardless” was a word worthy of inclusion.

Dictionaries are a lot like biblical translations. They're NOT all the same or of the same quality. Most depend on who is the current Emperor of Rome or King of England, or soon-to-be King of America.

Or just... who has the best consumer marketing department and doesn't really care about words except to use them to gain higher sales.
It’s good form to cite your sources to give credit to the author. Otherwise it looks like you are passing the above writing off as your own.
It’s good form to cite your sources to give credit to the author. Otherwise it looks like you are passing the above writing off as your own.
You are absolutely correct. Sorry about that. I tried to put "quotes" around that quote, but by the time I realized I hadn't, the edit timing window had already closed. (apparently, because too many folks around here like rough first drafts over more deeply considered and crafted language.)

Still, it's useful information. It's extremely germane. It's weird that this whole place seems to have slipped into the zeitgeist of "winning" over "becoming smarter". It actually feels like "becoming smarter" is seen as some kind of threat to certain personalities.
You are absolutely correct. Sorry about that. I tried to put "quotes" around that quote, but by the time I realized I hadn't, the edit timing window had already closed. (apparently, because too many folks around here like rough first drafts over more deeply considered and crafted language.)

Still, it's useful information. It's extremely germane. It's weird that this whole place seems to have slipped into the zeitgeist of "winning" over "becoming smarter". It actually feels like "becoming smarter" is seen as some kind of threat to certain personalities.
Nope. You're nothing but a beautiful flower, pretty at first glance but completely inadequate regarding anything structural.
Nope. You're nothing but a beautiful flower, pretty at first glance but completely inadequate regarding anything structural.
It's clear that you have absurd notions and unexamined assumptions, both about flowers and about me.

But carry on... If you feel like you're winning, then maybe that's all that matters... to you, anyway.