Beijing PanAm will not attend


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Beijing PanAm will be stuck in China during NetworkJC 2006. I was looking forward to attending and so were two members of our Chinese staff. The decision not to go was made a level higher than me so I will leave it at that.

But recruiting continues for flight instructors and we still hope to hire 10-15 instructors each month through the end of the year.

Win a million $ (or at least yuan) for me!

Pat Murphy
gotta love those higher ups....they like to take all the fun away at the last minute!!! maybe next year eh? :)
Feel free to PM me or send me an email.

We are about to post a powerpoint presentation on line with some personal interviews with flight instructors and a bunch of photos. Plus we will post a separate bunch of pics of life in China. That's the best I can do for now.

Also, anyone interested can ask us for a couple of email addresses of current instructors.

Pat Murphy
Yeah...that sucks. They cancelled on us (UND) also. They were supposed to be here for the career fair but cancelled last minute.