Beech 1900 versus Metroliner

Don't feed the troll doesn't really work and never has. And reading some of its other posts makes it painfully obvious that its not even a talented troll. I've never understood the reluctance to grab the banhammer in situations like this. Nobody is going to miss this nerd.
Seems here you either need to lie to the mods or report the posts. That's how to drop the trolls.
I thought that you were saying if you want to get rid of a troll you have to lie to a mod. Sentence structure for the win!
Watch out SteveC.... you know who is going to come here and tell you about his awesome background in English, how your sentence structure is flawed, and how they will avoid being a regional lifer by playing the minority card. I'm all for freedom of expression but if this OutandProud person isn't a troll then I'm an overqualified mom dater.
I enjoy how the thread started off with someone asking which freight airplane to go into, then ended with RJ pilots measuring up dongs with freight pilots.

You go over to a non-biased website (not a RJ website) and most will talk about how SPIFR launched their career. Is it the only way? No. Is it one of the ways to launch your career? Absolutely.

The trend seems to be if you want to stay 121, go 121 and stay there. If you want to go 135/91, go 135 and stay there. People hire their own, whether you like it or not.
I enjoy how the thread started off with someone asking which freight airplane to go into, then ended with RJ pilots measuring up dongs with freight pilots.

You go over to a non-biased website (not a RJ website) and most will talk about how SPIFR launched their career. Is it the only way? No. Is it one of the ways to launch your career? Absolutely.

The trend seems to be if you want to stay 121, go 121 and stay there. If you want to go 135/91, go 135 and stay there. People hire their own, whether you like it or not.
Just to be clear I do in fact have a larger dong then freight or 121 pilots, but that has nothing to do with where/how I fly. I have flown 121, but don't see myself leaving a sweet 91 gig to go back. Oh, and that's how hiring is done on the 91 side. Straight dong measuring. So next time your up for an interview, just walk in and whip it out. They like that. :)
So wait then like if, for example, I walked in and laid "the moose" on the table, I could just terk yer jerb? Seeya suckers, I'll be in a 650 this time tomorrow!
I enjoy how the thread started off with someone asking which freight airplane to go into, then ended with RJ pilots measuring up dongs with freight pilots.

You go over to a non-biased website (not a RJ website) and most will talk about how SPIFR launched their career. Is it the only way? No. Is it one of the ways to launch your career? Absolutely.

The trend seems to be if you want to stay 121, go 121 and stay there. If you want to go 135/91, go 135 and stay there. People hire their own, whether you like it or not.
I don't think you read the thread.

However, my SPIFR experience was foundational in a lot of ways.
Seems here you either need to lie to the mods or report the posts. That's how to drop the trolls.
I thought that you were saying if you want to get rid of a troll you have to lie to a mod. Sentence structure for the win!
If you are offering some crash courses on grammar, I'm all ears.

I'm not a grammar expert (as the true experts know), but some times things don't make sense to me. The first sentence of your post to Boris is one that doesn't connect with me; "Seems here you either need to lie to the mods or report the posts." Who do you mean by "you" in that sentence, the troll or Boris? If you are talking to the troll then the first half is OK (the troll lies and gets banned) but the second half doesn't make sense (why would a troll report his own posts?). If you're talking to Boris then the second half makes sense (Boris should report the posts to get the troll banned) but the first half doesn't (what good would it do for Boris to lie to the mods?).

After your explanation I understand you to mean that either the troll gets caught lying, or the users need to report the posts. That isn't what you said though. :cool:
I'm not a grammar expert (as the true experts know), but some times things don't make sense to me. The first sentence of your post to Boris is one that doesn't connect with me; "Seems here you either need to lie to the mods or report the posts." Who do you mean by "you" in that sentence, the troll or Boris? If you are talking to the troll then the first half is OK (the troll lies and gets banned) but the second half doesn't make sense (why would a troll report his own posts?). If you're talking to Boris then the second half makes sense (Boris should report the posts to get the troll banned) but the first half doesn't (what good would it do for Boris to lie to the mods?).

After your explanation I understand you to mean that either the troll gets caught lying, or the users need to report the posts. That isn't what you said though. :cool:
I think I intended that for Boris and the collective JC. Although after reading your explanation, I can see how it would be confusing. So to rephrase the same idea a better sentence structure would go something like;

On JC, it seems the best way for a troll to get banned would be for the troll to get caught in a lie or for the trolls posts to be reported.
Fwiw I read it the way Steve did. I think the apposite grammatical niggle would be something involving subject object agreement, but I'm pretty tired and slightly hungover and can't be arsed to do the research to be confidently pedantic right now. Sorry. :(
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Alright. Something I've always hated doing is proof reading papers, posts etc. But if my posts aren't making sense then it's something I need to fix and proof reading would be a good start.
You'd be wrong... again. Been in MANY sims with pilots from ALL backgrounds. Former RJ pilots struggle the most with basic instruments and hand flying. Former freight dogs do the best overall.
Really? Is that why you said in this thread (which I cannot quote properly because the thread was locked):

"Sounds good to me.... Guaranteed interview at a major with multiple chances if you screw up the first one, plus you get to fly large RJs till you flow to mainline. PSA just went to the top of my regional dream sheet."

"I don't know about you, but getting to a major is THE reason I'm doing this. Whatever gets me there the fastest (plus guaranteed interview) is what I'm after."

"I'm not here to make a decent wage at a regional. I understand what a regional is and what it's purpose is.... it's a stepping stone to the majors. I AM here to make a more than decent wage at a MAJOR. If that requires a few years of subpar wages at a regional, so be it. I don't plan on staying at the regional any longer than I have to."

You were asked this questions by Sean D: " Question: Where are you currently at in your career?"

Your Reply: "CFI, getting ready for the regionals.

Then we have this thread that you posted in:

Congrats to Mesa! PSA is still my first choice with the guaranteed interview, but Mesa just went to my number two spot because they are getting ERJ175s! My dream RJ.

Congrats to Mesa! PSA is still my first choice with the guaranteed interview, but Mesa just went to my number two spot because they are getting ERJ175s! My dream RJ.

I'll be the first to admit, but I'm very fortunate to be in the financial position to not have to chase the highest paycheck. I have an outside source of income that allows me to live a nice life, so the pay at the regional will be just gravy on the top. While you my be chasing the highest pay, I'm chasing the quick upgrade and the type of RJ that will be looked upon most favorably by the majors. I'd rather make a few dollars less and fly the ERJ175 than a few dollars more and fly a CR2 or ERJ145.

Don't call me cocky, call me confident.

You are naive if you think a relatively small number of entry level pilots are going to outsmart an entire airline industry. Management reads us like a cheap book. They know that our LOVE of flying will allow us to put up with most anything just to have the best office view in the world.

If the airlines morph to regionals, then that's the natural process at work and there is nothing that YOU or I can do to stop it. Why hasn't ALPA and the other airline unions put a stop to it yet? What makes you think YOU or I can do to stop it?

LIke i said, I'm OK with the current system as I'm confident I won't be "stuck" there long term.

You are naive if you think a relatively small number of entry level pilots are going to outsmart an entire airline industry. Management reads us like a cheap book. They know that our LOVE of flying will allow us to put up with most anything just to have the best office view in the world.

If the airlines morph to regionals, then that's the natural process at work and there is nothing that YOU or I can do to stop it. Why hasn't ALPA and the other airline unions put a stop to it yet? What makes you think YOU or I can do to stop it?

LIke i said, I'm OK with the current system as I'm confident I won't be "stuck" there long term.
That's what's appealing about PSA to me. With their guaranteed interview, I'll just have to "do my time" till my number comes up, then interview at mainline and sayonara bye bye to the regionals.

Doug, you should know better than most. Since we are both a minority status, our selection and screening will be handled "differently" than your standard WASP.

When you were called out on these two threads, you later made your profile private. Before that time you had only listed a handful of flight hours.

Not only are you a phony and a liar, you are too completely clueless to be even be a wannabe troll. I've seen some total b.s....but man, you bring the need for a shovel and hip waders to a whole new level. SIM Instructor my ass.
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I enjoy how the thread started off with someone asking which freight airplane to go into, then ended with RJ pilots measuring up dongs with freight pilots.

You go over to a non-biased website (not a RJ website) and most will talk about how SPIFR launched their career. Is it the only way? No. Is it one of the ways to launch your career? Absolutely.

The trend seems to be if you want to stay 121, go 121 and stay there. If you want to go 135/91, go 135 and stay there. People hire their own, whether you like it or not.
Then why are you here jimmy?