Well-Known Member
If you're going to stop in anywhere just to inquire about a job, you should always do so expecting/prepared to interview on the spot. If you ain't ready to interview, i.e. dressed, resumed in hand etc, then don't stop in and ask because you'll never know how many interviews you never got simply because you stopped in to ask looking like a slob.
That explains why I was never continously employed after high school

My point is just like I said, what you can do and have done look a lot better in some eyes than if you can look like your dressing for Easter service. Dude, just because you can wear the clothes doesn't make you a huge standout. A person shouldn't be in a hiring position if they can't get a good gauge on someone's attitude/demeanor by talking to them. Has anyone heard of dressing for the occasion, that's common sense. If I'm just hanging out and decide to go into someplace just to inquire they better understand that people have lives. If you want a formal meeting then that can be dressed for. If you want to work for an organization that worries about your looks when you aren't representing them or are an employee, then that has to be one organization I don't want to work for. If you have that attitude then you better know your stuff, be confident, and articulate.
Heck, I got my job at Nordstrom in the formal menswear dept by just walking in to inquire after coming from track practice. Dressed in a hoodie and jeans.