Amflight B1900/B99 D.E.C.?

In the last month or two I know of a direct hire into a 1900 and a Metro. Most new-hires are going right into the 99 with as little as 100 ME.
Well lets just say I still have until July for my contract to be up. Things are good here at the moment. Not that ancy to jump.
A number of people on this thread are right on the money about Amflight's training being very tough and many people washout. I made it through the training and worked only six months because I simply didn't like the company. I already had the SA-227 type with another cargo operator through flight safety and the training at Amflight was by far the most difficult training I ever encountered. My MD-11 training wasn't as difficult and I still have nightmares about Amflight's training. Good luck all and fly safe!
Amflight perfected the outdated and largely ridiculously ineffective "sky god" training style in regards to safety. But the chest thumping is good. :sarcasm:
That's how I felt about 99 training and you could "hear" the chieftain training. haha

Metro training was much more relaxed.
Amflight perfected the outdated and largely ridiculously ineffective "sky god" training style in regards to safety. But the chest thumping is good. :sarcasm:

It's also sad to see how unregarded that type of behavior is throughout the industry. The Kool-Aid train really does stop within the company so training that hard, and treating pilots like that isn't necessary. Even at companies like SWA that AMF swears they are in bed with, don't care lol.
I found little difference between amflight's training and part 121 training. The basic rule of "cooperate and graduate" applied in both cases.
I found little difference between amflight's training and part 121 training. The basic rule of "cooperate and graduate" applied in both cases.
Pretty much, except it is accelerated and the 121 side seems more forgiving for mistakes in training.

The stress of knowing every time you transition to another plane you put your job at risk should not exist in the form that it does.
Where might 1000ME PIC put you at AMF these days? Yea, I know, aim higher bla bla bla....just curious.
I know of people that have come from Cape Air and were put directly into a metro. All they had was a ton of piston ME time. That said, they were put into the worst base in the entire system. CVG spells the death of any resemblance of QOL that you may have once had.
If the training is anything like FLX (as was suggested), it's not like some heroic act to get through. You just need to be competent, awake, and sober. Oh, and speak English. Like, I wouldn't say that I enjoyed training, because I didn't. But it didn't seem like I was being asked to cure cancer. For the most part (and I think there were exceptions), the guys who washed out either shouldn't have been there in the first place (basic skill level) or didn't belong in that type of operation (attitude, etc).

Might not be similar at all, though, YMMV, etc etc.

And I will say that it was by far the highest-stress training I've ever been through...just not quite a "there I was" story.
If the training is anything like FLX (as was suggested), it's not like some heroic act to get through. You just need to be competent, awake, and sober. Oh, and speak English. Like, I wouldn't say that I enjoyed training, because I didn't. But it didn't seem like I was being asked to cure cancer. For the most part (and I think there were exceptions), the guys who washed out either shouldn't have been there in the first place (basic skill level) or didn't belong in that type of operation (attitude, etc).

Might not be similar at all, though, YMMV, etc etc.

And I will say that it was by far the highest-stress training I've ever been through...just not quite a "there I was" story.

That was the case with my class at FLX. All ex-colgan too! How do you not pass a friggen test over part 91/AIM???? :eek:
Pretty much, except it is accelerated and the 121 side seems more forgiving for mistakes in training.

The stress of knowing every time you transition to another plane you put your job at risk should not exist in the form that it does.

It doesn't where I work... When you are the customer, you aren't treated like a piece of meat in training. I have more fun in recurrent than any other training event I have had.