Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

The point is you constantly make statements about our contract that only apply to you as if the whole pilot group is in the same • sandwich. We’re not.

You can just say "Have you tried being more senior?" Or laugh reacting every one of my posts like a petulant child. I'm very happy we have moved on from you calling me a liar or saying I'm dishonest.

At least I get 21 days of vacation far better than the poor saps that finished OE in 2024. They will be stuck for 2 years minimum. More realistically 3-5.

Unless the magic airplane fairy can deliver dozens of Airbus 330s to our doorstep in record time...
One of the biggest selling points of the reserve system was that staffing should improve throughout the month to make trading easier as time goes on. Sorry if I expected the promises from the MEC to actually be the reality on the ground. I did use vacation and GDOs to get the maximum time off possible for September and October. Waive min days off? On reserve? How? The parameters are written in stone. Rest is written in stone with 117.

For November I guess I'll bid for the 16th off so I can try to sit in front of a computer and beat the nerds at their own game. Sounds fun. Even better that I'm now forced to do that while on vacation in October. Go sit at the library in Whistler and play Trade Roulet when I could be out riding the trails with my friends.

I really can't understand how anyone can be gaslit into thinking that somehow equates to QOL.

You can move days around on reserve. You have less flexibility for sure but also, if you thought you would upgrade and get some highly unique schedule where you work 10 days a month in a row so you can have the rest of the month off, you were fooling yourself. Our definitions of QOL are different and everyone’s definition is different but when you ask for wildly unreasonable things and say the MEC lied to you, you have lied to yourself.
You can just say "Have you tried being more senior?" Or laugh reacting every one of my posts like a petulant child. I'm very happy we have moved on from you calling me a liar or saying I'm dishonest.

At least I get 21 days of vacation far better than the poor saps that finished OE in 2024. They will be stuck for 2 years minimum. More realistically 3-5.

Unless the magic airplane fairy can deliver dozens of Airbus 330s to our doorstep in record time...

Have you tried being more realistic?
Can you guys not drop to zero? I really don't know other airline contracts but I'm constantly told ours is the worst.
7 days of vacation basically gives you the whole month off. Or if you don't have vacation and you need the time you just drop whatever.
One of the biggest selling points of the reserve system was that staffing should improve throughout the month to make trading easier as time goes on. Sorry if I expected the promises from the MEC to actually be the reality on the ground. I did use vacation and GDOs to get the maximum time off possible for September and October. Waive min days off? On reserve? How? The parameters are written in stone. Rest is written in stone with 117.

For November I guess I'll bid for the 16th off so I can try to sit in front of a computer and beat the nerds at their own game. Sounds fun. Even better that I'm now forced to do that while on vacation in October. Go sit at the library in Whistler and play Trade Roulet when I could be out riding the trails with my friends.

I really can't understand how anyone can be gaslit into thinking that somehow equates to QOL.

You sound absolutely miserable. All from your own doing and lack of understanding.
Can you guys not drop to zero? I really don't know other airline contracts but I'm constantly told ours is the worst.
7 days of vacation basically gives you the whole month off. Or if you don't have vacation and you need the time you just drop whatever.

Only if you use 18 days of vacation. Or you can somehow predict there will be a special program in place for overstaffing in your base when you bid for vacation the year prior in September and October. Or trade to make that work out predictively. Vacation trading is roughly a 2 month lead time over bidding and you are risking more days on reserve and less time off by not using 10 days.
Can you guys not drop to zero? I really don't know other airline contracts but I'm constantly told ours is the worst.
7 days of vacation basically gives you the whole month off. Or if you don't have vacation and you need the time you just drop whatever.

You could, in theory, give away your schedule. And given the dearth of open time at the moment, it would be possible. You can’t just straight drop to 0 though.
Having to be sitting in front of a computer with a super fast internet connection during my vacation so I can't trade my days the following month sounds awesome.
So what, you waste hours on here and APC sport bitching. Obviously your time off is not worth very much.

You chose to upgrade for ego reasons. Be a big boy and accept that you effed up. Learn the system to leverage it to your benefit or STFU.
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You could, in theory, give away your schedule. And given the dearth of open time at the moment, it would be possible. You can’t just straight drop to 0 though.
I mean as 97% in the left seat. I can drop to work 7-8 days a month and make more than i did as an FO. That seems like a no brainer to me.
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You’re having a yard sale with your turmoil. And you have a corner lot on a busy blvd.

It’s not them…

Factually pointing out that we will have 2 years of stagnation minimum and our contract provides little to no opportunities for blocks of time off has resulted petty name calling and trash talking. Even when I was correct about IL not being offered in my base. Or not being eligible for other programs. Meanwhile 3 posters here have lost their poop. Showing that they not only can't get by on this website without hurling insults. They choose to spend their free time in WhatsApp group chats talking about me.

Have you spoken with anyone who has flown with me? No. Yet here you are making up stories about me. Rent free in your head as well. I don't care who you are. I don't care what you say. You don't even matter. I'm certainly not starting a WhatsApp group to speak with most pilots to begin with but the last thing I'd ever do is bother to take the time to figure out who you are and then trash talk you. Yet that is apparently how most other people here choose to spend their free time.