Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

Have you spoken with anyone who has flown with me?
Don’t need to based on what I see posted. Unless this is your dr heckle and in person is your Mr hide.

You don't even matter.
Tell me about it! All we are is dust in the wind… dust in the wiiiiiiind
Meanwhile 3 posters here have lost their poop.
They seem pretty levelheaded about it all. But just for kicks and giggles, I’ll call my buddy who has been there longer than you and worked with the MEC to see what’s what. Been needing to catch up with the guy I grew up with.
Don’t need to based on what I see posted. Unless this is your dr heckle and in person is your Mr hide.

Tell me about it! All we are is dust in the wind… dust in the wiiiiiiind

They seem pretty levelheaded about it all. But just for kicks and giggles, I’ll call my buddy who has been there longer than you and worked with the MEC to see what’s what. Been needing to catch up with the guy I grew up with.

You'll talk to some guy with an "I love me" room who has posters of 787s with Alaska paint on it? I'm sure you'll get a great unbiased view of life on reserve...
is this just the thing where some people need haters to validate their position in their own mental hierarchy

getting a little ridiculous innit
I think it's mostly someone who absolutely detests the profession they wound up in so they need to put space between them and their colleagues to not be confused with them. That's why everyone is fat with love me walls and the other rhetoric.

But I've fought that battle with BS years ago eventually arguing with him is a pointless exercise.
the last thing I'd ever do is bother to take the time to figure out who you are and then trash talk you. Yet that is apparently how most other people here choose to spend their free time.
Dude this is literally what you did to me on APC. I’m not sure if you thought it would upset me but it just made me chuckle and realize how sad your life must be.
TLDR for everyone
Beefey: complains
Everyone: dogpiles
Beefey: complains more
Everyone: be more senior

If we could move on now that’d be great. For the record, I’d like to see some improvements for reserves. Like an extra day off, higher guarantee, 5 day block reinstated (wave-able of course), and a better interface for shifting/trading reserve days and setting preferences. Because this is a relatively young airline, most of us will probably be back on reserve when we upgrade. Sounds like maybe HAL has some nice features for their reserve pilots, but it still requires some seniority to achieve QOL. Also, off the top of my head, I believe our vacation is lagging other legacies now. More value for a vacation day, more vacation days, and the ability to bid as few as 5 vacation days during vacation bidding (to match the new PBS rules) would be a good start. A true snap up clause, pegged to whomever is highest is also needed. Last time our snap-average didn’t work quite right and the only reason we got raises greater than the minimum 4% was because the company was hemorrhaging pilots. Also let’s not give a nano-inch on scope, if anything it needs to be tightened up.
TLDR for everyone
Beefey: complains
Everyone: dogpiles
Beefey: complains more
Everyone: be more senior

If we could move on now that’d be great. For the record, I’d like to see some improvements for reserves. Like an extra day off, higher guarantee, 5 day block reinstated (wave-able of course), and a better interface for shifting/trading reserve days and setting preferences. Because this is a relatively young airline, most of us will probably be back on reserve when we upgrade. Sounds like maybe HAL has some nice features for their reserve pilots, but it still requires some seniority to achieve QOL. Also, off the top of my head, I believe our vacation is lagging other legacies now. More value for a vacation day, more vacation days, and the ability to bid as few as 5 vacation days during vacation bidding (to match the new PBS rules) would be a good start. A true snap up clause, pegged to whomever is highest is also needed. Last time our snap-average didn’t work quite right and the only reason we got raises greater than the minimum 4% was because the company was hemorrhaging pilots. Also let’s not give a nano-inch on scope, if anything it needs to be tightened up.

I went through it with the MEC and it turns out we never lost at least contractually, 5 days off in a row with PBS. It simply wasn't a priority for programing and roll out of PBS. You still have the contractual right to 5 days off in a row on reserve. It's just that it wasn't important enough to program into NAVBLUE PBS. To put it simply: Reserves are not a priority. Based on the responses I got from the MEC this will never change.
I went through it with the MEC and it turns out we never lost at least contractually, 5 days off in a row with PBS. It simply wasn't a priority for programing and roll out of PBS. You still have the contractual right to 5 days off in a row on reserve. It's just that it wasn't important enough to program into NAVBLUE PBS. To put it simply: Reserves are not a priority. Based on the responses I got from the MEC this will never change.
So that single misstep with all the vast improvements to our reserve language means reserves are not a priority? This is the problem with pretty much everything you post. You hyper-focus on a single piece of information and extrapolate your opinion out in left field.
So that single misstep with all the vast improvements to our reserve language means reserves are not a priority? This is the problem with pretty much everything you post. You hyper-focus on a single piece of information and extrapolate your opinion out in left field.

And that bothers you so much I live in your head. Rent free. Day after day. For years now. Since you first confronted me about how I could own a multi million dollar plumbing business on Facebook :bounce:
And that bothers you so much I live in your head. Rent free. Day after day. For years now. Since you first confronted me about how I could own a multi million dollar plumbing business on Facebook :bounce:
If that’s what you need to tell yourself to make you less miserable then have at it man.
So what, you waste hours on here and APC sport bitching. Obviously your time off is not worth very much.

You chose to upgrade for ego reasons. Be a big boy and accept that you effed up. Learn the system to leverage it to your benefit or STFU.

Oh no. He didn’t eff up. He knows he’s got the best job ever now, because now when he looks left, he only sees the reflection of an ass :)

No way is he willingly gonna downgrade himself to a FO. His ego won’t allow it.
Oh no. He didn’t eff up. He knows he’s got the best job ever now, because now when he looks left, he only sees the reflection of an ass :)

No way is he willingly gonna downgrade himself to a FO. His ego won’t allow it.

I've already done one seat sub for someone who asked for a downgrade. Not sure how they managed it. But it seems like I'm not the only one who isn't very excited about the next few years.

My gamble is to just wait on the eventual forced downgrade. As it will probably allow for some advantage.
I've already done one seat sub for someone who asked for a downgrade. Not sure how they managed it. But it seems like I'm not the only one who isn't very excited about the next few years.

My gamble is to just wait on the eventual forced downgrade. As it will probably allow for some advantage.

He or she might have asked to be downgraded because CQ wasn't going well...

I promise you, if you ask to be downgraded, they will downgrade you lol.
Factually pointing out that we will have 2 years of stagnation minimum and our contract provides little to no opportunities for blocks of time off has resulted petty name calling and trash talking. Even when I was correct about IL not being offered in my base. Or not being eligible for other programs. Meanwhile 3 posters here have lost their poop. Showing that they not only can't get by on this website without hurling insults. They choose to spend their free time in WhatsApp group chats talking about me.

Have you spoken with anyone who has flown with me? No. Yet here you are making up stories about me. Rent free in your head as well. I don't care who you are. I don't care what you say. You don't even matter. I'm certainly not starting a WhatsApp group to speak with most pilots to begin with but the last thing I'd ever do is bother to take the time to figure out who you are and then trash talk you. Yet that is apparently how most other people here choose to spend their free time.

We are what we do. And you were a normal nobody until your infamous BNA story. I still don’t know why you thought that avenue was a good idea. The best thing you can do is dial back your POed online content about a position you put yourself in.
It's awful hard, as an outsider, not to notice that there seems to be quite a lot of AS pilots here yet only one of them has a never ending list of grievances.