Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

OK well I wasn't imagining things when I scraped together 6 days off in July from the 7-12th or something like that. Then had to work 6 days on 2 off until late August when I again got another 6 days after relentlessly trading days for nearly the entire month prior. It was almost 6 weeks of nothing but reserve where I was worked for 86 hours a month with one or two days off between 6 day blocks.

The sad thing is I know there are FOs who have the exact same schedule but no one will acknowledge that. I'm only suggesting we give people a way to get 24 days off in a row. That what probably 20 or 30 pages of back and forth on this thread is about.

It's pathetic.
I don't know how many times I've said it, but your experience is not even close to what the average reserve pilot is seeing at the company. I'm all for more options on reserve and better language everywhere. I'm just not sure it's going to help as many people as you think it will. What's pathetic is you can't admit that your extreme juniority in the •tiest base in the system might be what's causing you so much angst and misery. Your viewpoint is so narrow it's silly. Like I've said before, I hope you can find some happiness man. Until then maybe you should put the keyboard down for a while.
I don't know how many times I've said it, but your experience is not even close to what the average reserve pilot is seeing at the company. I'm all for more options on reserve and better language everywhere. I'm just not sure it's going to help as many people as you think it will. What's pathetic is you can't admit that your extreme juniority in the •tiest base in the system might be what's causing you so much angst and misery. Your viewpoint is so narrow it's silly. Like I've said before, I hope you can find some happiness man. Until then maybe you should put the keyboard down for a while.

The system isn't that great. It needs improvement. The recent changes made it worse.

If you don't think the company isn't auditing every penny crew scheduling spends on converting reserves in "outstations" like PDX you're smoking crack. That gravy train won't last forever.

The sad thing is nearly every pilot will be clamoring for higher widebody pay rates instead of QOL improvements. Even though they don't have a chance of flying one. Those aircraft will be flown by an elite cadre of management pilots and instructors. They'll be used as a recruitment tool but no one will tell the new pilots they'll never get a chance to be a captain of one unless they are under 25 when hired.

The Hawaiian pilots are going to lose most of their QOL and will likely be saying the exact same things I am now when the JCBA is in effect.
The system isn't that great. It needs improvement. The recent changes made it worse.

If you don't think the company isn't auditing every penny crew scheduling spends on converting reserves in "outstations" like PDX you're smoking crack. That gravy train won't last forever.

The sad thing is nearly every pilot will be clamoring for higher widebody pay rates instead of QOL improvements. Even though they don't have a chance of flying one. Those aircraft will be flown by an elite cadre of management pilots and instructors. They'll be used as a recruitment tool but no one will tell the new pilots they'll never get a chance to be a captain of one unless they are under 25 when hired.

The Hawaiian pilots are going to lose most of their QOL and will likely be saying the exact same things I am now when the JCBA is in effect.
Just can't help yourself can you? Also PDX has almost constant premium trips because there aren't enough reserves on short call, so I'd say the crack is good and will never end. You get so bent when I call you miserable but honestly I wouldn't do this job if I had your outlook.
I'm only suggesting we give people a way to get 24 days off in a row.

Looking at the PBS reason reports over here, other than the 717 (where the min reserve block is 2 days), your seniority wouldn't get you 12 days of reserve off in a row over here. You'd need to be about 30% to 40% up the reserve list before you can touch that. Can probably get 8 to 10 days in most cases though.
Looking at the PBS reason reports over here, other than the 717 (where the min reserve block is 2 days), your seniority wouldn't get you 12 days of reserve off in a row over here. You'd need to be about 30% to 40% up the reserve list before you can touch that. Can probably get 8 to 10 days in most cases though.
You mean weekends exist in Hawaii too? Weird.
12 days off in a row in a single month is super unreasonable to expect from a bid award. 6 at the end of one month and 6 at the beginning of the next is much more likely.
12 days off in a row in a single month is super unreasonable to expect from a bid award. 6 at the end of one month and 6 at the beginning of the next is much more likely.

With our system you can no longer do that if the beginning or the end of the month has a weekend. I managed to get 6 days off in a row for August. Of course I had to work the first. So I had to leave Canada on my 6th day off. I had to use 2 golden days off to get 5 days off at the end of September. Bidding for vacation and golden days off is making my head spin. Since I have to predict the unstacking days on reserve to get any meaningful amount of time off.
With our system you can no longer do that if the beginning or the end of the month has a weekend. I managed to get 6 days off in a row for August. Of course I had to work the first. So I had to leave Canada on my 6th day off. I had to use 2 golden days off to get 5 days off at the end of September. Bidding for vacation and golden days off is making my head spin. Since I have to predict the unstacking days on reserve to get any meaningful amount of time off.
I am 78% in base and get all weekends off.

What you want, requires more work. Clearly you are unwilling to do that work to get what you want, and you’d rather complain. You need to watch open time and trading, you need to use GDOs, sounds like you need to use vacation. You need to waive min days off in a row and rest to stack work days next to each other. Honestly you might be better off at Atlas or NetJets where you can get a chunk of days off in a row reliably.
I am 78% in base and get all weekends off.

What you want, requires more work. Clearly you are unwilling to do that work to get what you want, and you’d rather complain. You need to watch open time and trading, you need to use GDOs, sounds like you need to use vacation. You need to waive min days off in a row and rest to stack work days next to each other. Honestly you might be better off at Atlas or NetJets where you can get a chunk of days off in a row reliably.

One of the biggest selling points of the reserve system was that staffing should improve throughout the month to make trading easier as time goes on. Sorry if I expected the promises from the MEC to actually be the reality on the ground. I did use vacation and GDOs to get the maximum time off possible for September and October. Waive min days off? On reserve? How? The parameters are written in stone. Rest is written in stone with 117.

For November I guess I'll bid for the 16th off so I can try to sit in front of a computer and beat the nerds at their own game. Sounds fun. Even better that I'm now forced to do that while on vacation in October. Go sit at the library in Whistler and play Trade Roulet when I could be out riding the trails with my friends.

I really can't understand how anyone can be gaslit into thinking that somehow equates to QOL.
With our system you can no longer do that if the beginning or the end of the month has a weekend. I managed to get 6 days off in a row for August. Of course I had to work the first. So I had to leave Canada on my 6th day off. I had to use 2 golden days off to get 5 days off at the end of September. Bidding for vacation and golden days off is making my head spin. Since I have to predict the unstacking days on reserve to get any meaningful amount of time off.
You mean YOU can’t do that. I’m able to stack my days at the beginning/end of every month giving me a large chunk of days off every 6 weeks or so. I have 15 off at the end of September/beginning of October.
You mean YOU can’t do that. I’m able to stack my days at the beginning/end of every month giving me a large chunk of days off every 6 weeks or so. I have 15 off at the end of September/beginning of October.

Good for you?

Also you forgot to laugh react my post. Rent free and all...