Alaska Hawaiian Merger Serious Version

JNU. Buddy of mine from there has 5 years in and was able to bid 2 days with overnights at home all summer. I wasn’t expecting that out of the gate but hoped for a chance to sit the occasional LC shift at home and/or pick up OT trips with layovers at home but, stuff happened
I don't want to twist the knife but there was a single, forced ANC FO in my class. Hang in there buddy. It'll get much better once you can hold SEA and I don't think that will take very long but you'll fly your ass off on reserve there. Hopefully ANC gets a little growth and you can be living the dream. I haven't looked at the logistics, could you sit LC in SEA from JNU?
I don't know what it is like at the Eskimo, but I greatly enjoyed being based there (and living there, but I can separate that too) at SKW.
As stated, I’ve really enjoyed it. Far more so than my occasional forays into the LA Basin. SAN is cool but similarly to a different airport we’ve been discussing elsewhere, is 10 lbs of poo in a 5 lb wet paper bag and that’s before finishing the other terminal.
From the anecdotal survey of the wailing I've read on Facebook, it just doesn't sound very good right now in 135, but I can't ever say that I paid much attention to begin with as it just isn't something that really interested me.
General 135 or Alaska? Alaska 135 has always been its own thing as far as job market (how I ended up here) but there’s been a lot of consolidation etc so I can see it not being what it was.
General 135 or Alaska? Alaska 135 has always been its own thing as far as job market (how I ended up here) but there’s been a lot of consolidation etc so I can see it not being what it was.
General 135, though again this is an extremely anecdotal survey of social media wailing, and not to be regarded as anything accurate.
I don't want to twist the knife but there was a single, forced ANC FO in my class. Hang in there buddy. It'll get much better once you can hold SEA and I don't think that will take very long but you'll fly your ass off on reserve there. Hopefully ANC gets a little growth and you can be living the dream. I haven't looked at the logistics, could you sit LC in SEA from JNU?
Very probably in the summer, off season it might be hard to meet the full letter of the commuter clause. It also sort of depends on the realities of when trips are assigned etc. My early summer hire buddy said he occasionally is able to do it.
SFO has been a fantastic first 121 base for me. The commute is a time suck but the schedule flexibility of PBS as even a bottom 10 lineholder has helped ameliorate a lot of that. I feel like I’d be whining to complain about the possibility of being on reserve for year 2, considering what a lot of folks senior to me did, but also if I’d known *gestures broadly* i probably would have been happy making way less money sleeping at home on call and playing DnD at the base. Idk. We’ll see how it plays out. The SE module in CQ this quarter made me almost physically homesick for AK flying.

Has the 135 job market dried up that badly? I know GF is going through a kind of meltdown, but people are gonna keep getting sick and I imagine my old shop will soak up a lot of that flying with attendant hiring. I mean even the 21-23 heyday the 7/7 jobs didn’t pay out close to a 121 pilot with some seniority but a lot of the type of person who jumped over in the last hiring spree seem like they’d value their time at home pretty highly and like hanging out in SFO a lot less than I do. Like I said, IDK. I should stop freaking out and just sleep on it for a while I guess.
I’m hardly up to speed on the 135 word like I used to be, but Guardian is axing 1/3 of their pilots. Ravn and Aleutian aren’t hiring so not sure how much movement there is in the industry at the moment. That’ll put a lot of downward pressure on the job market. I know nothing about Aero Air (or whoever Guardian’s main competitor is these days), but those jobs seem to always be there no matter who is doing the flying. Not saying you should stay/or go, however you can always go back to it, but as you know you can’t always get a major/legacy job. I did the SFO commute to reserve for a few months, it was crap. Not sure I’d be able to stomach it long term. My advice is at least get to SEA to see how you’d like it long term. Lord willing we still have decades left in our careers, short term pain long term gain and all that.
Very probably in the summer, off season it might be hard to meet the full letter of the commuter clause. It also sort of depends on the realities of when trips are assigned etc. My early summer hire buddy said he occasionally is able to do it.
I would be very surprised if we don't end up with a hard limit (that can be waived) to short call conversions and a longer callout (hopefully 18 hours) in JCBA. Should make commuting to reserve a lot more palatable.
But if you’re at the bottom of a 3,500 list in an airline that is merging with another, with zero visibility of what lies ahead. it’s not much better. Right?

Junior is junior no matter the list size, it’s all relative when they start the furlough percentages. If a 15k+ list retires 800 a year and hires 1000 a year. One is on track for a better climb in seniority than the place that retires 30 and hires zero

We have a 2 yr furlough protection. Right?

I’d rather risk that the next 2 yrs than start at the bottom of a 17k list. Just IMHO.
I’m hardly up to speed on the 135 word like I used to be, but Guardian is axing 1/3 of their pilots. Ravn and Aleutian aren’t hiring so not sure how much movement there is in the industry at the moment. That’ll put a lot of downward pressure on the job market. I know nothing about Aero Air (or whoever Guardian’s main competitor is these days), but those jobs seem to always be there no matter who is doing the flying. Not saying you should stay/or go, however you can always go back to it, but as you know you can’t always get a major/legacy job. I did the SFO commute to reserve for a few months, it was crap. Not sure I’d be able to stomach it long term. My advice is at least get to SEA to see how you’d like it long term. Lord willing we still have decades left in our careers, short term pain long term gain and all that.
Yeah, I’m not like rage quitting. Just kinda wrecking my go home day

Being junior at an airline can suck. Full stop. Always been that way. Sometimes good(ish) things happen like holding a line in your first year. And sometimes bad(ish) things happen (like a base shrinking or new hires not getting hired, or retirees no longer having to retire for 5 years) and it gets ugly. Unless this is a second/third career for you, chances are you are going to have 20+ years of being on the seniority. A few years of difficulty at the bottom is totally normal and you will hardly remember it 10 years from now.

Tldr; this need for instant gratification or else is dumb.

Being junior at an airline can suck. Full stop. Always been that way. Sometimes good(ish) things happen like holding a line in your first year. And sometimes bad(ish) things happen (like a base shrinking or new hires not getting hired, or retirees no longer having to retire for 5 years) and it gets ugly. Unless this is a second/third career for you, chances are you are going to have 20+ years of being on the seniority. A few years of difficulty at the bottom is totally normal and you will hardly remember it 10 years from now.

Tldr; this need for instant gratification or else is dumb.
I don't think anyone in here is showing that they don't have reasonable expectations. We had pretty hefty attrition before the new contract was signed and even for a bit after. I think some are wondering if that will pick up again as we see a some (hopefully temporary) stagnation. I don't think anyone in this thread is considering jumping ship. Attrition might be the only thing that sparks hiring for us before 2026 though.
He wasn't talking to you.

Pretty sure you're not following. But anyway.

It's cold and the sun is setting so I'm back. Anyway, people could have prepared for this completely obvious outcome 10 months ago and made important decisions for themselves regarding the trajectory of their career and our employer.

Instead of bashing people because they haven't had a historically extremely rare meteoric rise in seniority like you and point out obvious issues with the contract. I think it's fair for people who are stuck at the bottom of the seniority list to at least speak about the issues they are facing.

Because it will only get worse from here until years after the SLI. Years. We simply can not get aircraft to grow and the SLI will be extremely painful. I'm planning on a very likely downgrade when the 2 year protection is up and I feel it is important for junior pilots to hear that. You can have a keyboard temper tantrum and call me miserable that is totally fine. But my expenses will be even lower than they are now when I'm forced onto the FO list and I'll be sitting on the biggest pile of cash possible for a post SLI downgrade and likely further reduction in hours if we furlough.

Don't like it? Prove me wrong. Please. Show me where the aircraft will come from. Tell me about how the current staffing levels will not necessitate trimming the fat.
Pretty sure you're not following. But anyway.

It's cold and the sun is setting so I'm back. Anyway, people could have prepared for this completely obvious outcome 10 months ago and made important decisions for themselves regarding the trajectory of their career and our employer.

Instead of bashing people because they haven't had a historically extremely rare meteoric rise in seniority like you and point out obvious issues with the contract. I think it's fair for people who are stuck at the bottom of the seniority list to at least speak about the issues they are facing.

Because it will only get worse from here until years after the SLI. Years. We simply can not get aircraft to grow and the SLI will be extremely painful. I'm planning on a very likely downgrade when the 2 year protection is up and I feel it is important for junior pilots to hear that. You can have a keyboard temper tantrum and call me miserable that is totally fine. But my expenses will be even lower than they are now when I'm forced onto the FO list and I'll be sitting on the biggest pile of cash possible for a post SLI downgrade and likely further reduction in hours if we furlough.

Don't like it? Prove me wrong. Please. Show me where the aircraft will come from. Tell me about how the current staffing levels will not necessitate trimming the fat.
Sigh, never mind.