Alaska Hawaiian Merger Serious Version

I'll talk about being stuck in a relative seniority position for years and nothing good on the horizon when it is warranted. Well it was warranted. this is just the beginning. Post SLI is going to be extremely ugly. For some reason you felt compelled to trash talk me and say I was miserable with zero to back up your opinion that things were good.

Pro tip: they never were good. They were just good for a very small, privileged percentage of the pilot group. When upgrade classmates are approaching me in the terminal, asking how I feel about the reserve system and when I tell them they open up about a desire to downgrade. Things are definitely not good.

This is not picking on you. You took the first available upgrade and are 5 from the bottom CA. 700+ FOs senior to you didn’t want to, for exactly the reasons you are complaining about. Why complain about a situation you put yourself in? Sure, a door blowout and deliveries being slow isn’t your fault. But neither was 9/11, the GFC, age 65, or any other negative event in aviation that has caused stagnation or furloughs.

I love our reserve system - in LAX. I’m pulling 110-120 credit and physically flying about 6-9 days/month.
It's almost like if one poster were removed from the equation there wouldn't be anything to talk about.
Look, we get that you guys don’t like beef. I understand that. But he isn’t really doing anything wrong if he is writing down an opinion of his. And you guys aren’t doing anything wrong if you simply refute his opinion or disagree with him. Where things go wrong is when you and a bunch of others make it personal. When an entire thread that was previously factual in nature devolves into multiple personal jabs against a single individual, it derails the whole purpose of this forum.

Personally, if the information a user is providing is not accurate or can be refined with a different viewpoint I truly think that should be done. I am not telling you to stop disagreeing with anyone’s take on your airline. You have the power to decide how you will respond. You can poke fun and attack or you can provide a factual alternate viewpoint.

And finally, about moderation, I think you may be confusing your own personal priorities with the priorities of this forum. You think beef is a problem because you dislike his take on subjects that are important to you. We will think beef is a problem if he makes a personal attack, spams the forum, treats others poorly, or is otherwise a jerk. And if we do determine he is a problem, you most likely won’t know anything about it.
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It's almost like if one poster were removed from the equation there wouldn't be anything to talk about.
Verbal diarrhea. You also have the option of not posting EVERY thought that comes into your head.
See above for a bad example of a response. See below for a good example.
This is not picking on you. You took the first available upgrade and are 5 from the bottom CA. 700+ FOs senior to you didn’t want to, for exactly the reasons you are complaining about. Why complain about a situation you put yourself in? Sure, a door blowout and deliveries being slow isn’t your fault. But neither was 9/11, the GFC, age 65, or any other negative event in aviation that has caused stagnation or furloughs.

I love our reserve system - in LAX. I’m pulling 110-120 credit and physically flying about 6-9 days/month.
This is not picking on you. You took the first available upgrade and are 5 from the bottom CA. 700+ FOs senior to you didn’t want to, for exactly the reasons you are complaining about. Why complain about a situation you put yourself in? Sure, a door blowout and deliveries being slow isn’t your fault. But neither was 9/11, the GFC, age 65, or any other negative event in aviation that has caused stagnation or furloughs.

I love our reserve system - in LAX. I’m pulling 110-120 credit and physically flying about 6-9 days/month.

I know this is really hard to understand but I'm not complaining about the reality of what is happening. I'm pointing out the reality of the current situation we are in. The current situation we are in isn't as good as a reality where we can get aircraft, hire and grow.

It's great you love the system. There are winners and losers. You are most certainly one of the winners. Congratulations. However, keep in mind not everyone is as fortunate.
Look, we get that you guys don’t like beef. I understand that. But he isn’t really doing anything wrong if he is writing down an opinion of his. And you guys aren’t doing anything wrong if you simply refute his opinion or disagree with him. Where things go wrong is when you and a bunch of others make it personal. When an entire thread that was previously factual in nature devolves into multiple personal jabs against a single individual, it derails the whole purpose of this forum.

Personally, if the information a user is providing is not accurate or can be refined with a different viewpoint I truly think that should be done. I am not telling you to stop disagreeing with anyone’s take on your airline. You have the power to decide how you will respond. You can poke fun and attack or you can provide a factual alternate viewpoint.

And finally, about moderation, I think you may be confusing your own personal priorities with the priorities of this forum. You think a beef is a problem because you dislike his take on subjects that are importantly to you. We will think beef is a problem if he makes a personal attack, spams the forum, treats others poorly, or is otherwise a jerk. And if we do determine he is a problem, you most likely won’t know anything about it.
I'm not advocating for banning anyone, in fact I enjoy the comic relief. My problem is that almost every thread that Beef posts in gets locked or sent to the lav and he is always the common denominator. If you guys can't stand to let things run their course, especially in an Alaska-centric thread, then removing a single individual will I guess make things copesetic for you. Beef is almost always the only individual calling names and being disrespectful, hell he's said multiple times that he doesn't have any respect for anyone on this forum. My real issue is that literally everyone digs on certain usual suspects here and there is never as much as a raised eyebrow from the mods.
Maybe we can hire you as a consultant to teach basic human decency behaviors to Captains where I work. Lord knows we need it.

When you take a generic potshot like this, it’s hard to keep the thread on topic without giving you a good ol fashion forum thrashing you (should) have coming.

Your last job, the CAs were all anti-Semitic. This shop, CAs all lack basic human decency/behaviors, and don’t deice and fly dangerously.

Yet, you pulled the Nashville BS as a FO a couple years ago on Alyeska. Either every CA you’ve ever met was a problem. Or, OR, you know - you are the problem.

The forum can judge on their own.
When you take a generic potshot like this, it’s hard to keep the thread on topic without giving you a good ol fashion forum thrashing you (should) have coming.

Your last job, the CAs were anll anti-Semitic. This shop, CAs all lack basic human decency/behaviors, and don’t deice and fly dangerously.

Yet, you pulled the Nashville BS as a FO a couple years ago on Alyeska. Either every CA you’ve ever met was a problem. Or, OR, you know - you are the problem.

The forum can judge on their own.

Cool I'll be outdoors being health for the rest of the day. Have fun with your forum thrashing. Hopefully it reduces your blood pressure. Maybe it's therapeutic for you.

Have fun.
I'm not advocating for banning anyone, in fact I enjoy the comic relief. My problem is that almost every thread that Beef posts in gets locked or sent to the lav and he is always the common denominator. If you guys can't stand to let things run their course, especially in an Alaska-centric thread, then removing a single individual will I guess make things copesetic for you. Beef is almost always the only individual calling names and being disrespectful, hell he's said multiple times that he doesn't have any respect for anyone on this forum. My real issue is that literally everyone digs on certain usual suspects here and there is never as much as a raised eyebrow from the mods.

Actually, you guys are usually the common denominator by reacting to him. You can control that.

And like I said, you simply wouldn’t know what raises eyebrows and moderation happens behind the scenes. A public warning or locking a thread is the most minor thing we do. Everything else is private with the exception of an outright ban which folks figure out pretty quickly.

And I am not sure who the usual suspects are, but I suspect you mean you see other examples of people acting a fool like you guys sometimes act a fool, and nothing appears to be done. That in fact may or may not be true I’m not really sure… I and the other moderators are just people and pilots like you guys. We have busy lives, but volunteer to keep this place relatively sane when we have time. I am positive that I personally miss a lot of stuff. Reports help a lot to focus our attention. If you think a “usual suspect” needs some attention, please report it.
Hang in there, hopefully it’ll be short lived. Have you taken advantage of VRBOs or ILs?
commuting has been too expensive and first year pay too close to Lear captain pay to make a 40 hour month feasible. I guess if I can only count on 3-4 more months as a lineholder I’ll try to snag one on year 2 pay.

As per your post I was replying to, if there is literally anywhere else hiring it will be a bloodbath for retention at the bottom of the list. Tons of folks hired from AK and the PNW under the implication that SEA/ANC would be achievable in a reasonable amount of time, are going to be in •it mode in short order when staring down the barrel of 2+ years of 18 days of reserve a month in CA. Just my impression.
commuting has been too expensive and first year pay too close to Lear captain pay to make a 40 hour month feasible. I guess if I can only count on 3-4 more months as a lineholder I’ll try to snag one on year 2 pay.

As per your post I was replying to, if there is literally anywhere else hiring it will be a bloodbath for retention at the bottom of the list. Tons of folks hired from AK and the PNW under the implication that SEA/ANC would be achievable in a reasonable amount of time, are going to be in •it mode in short order when staring down the barrel of 2+ years of 18 days of reserve a month in CA. Just my impression.
Could be. I honestly think it would be pretty short-sighted to jump to the bottom of a 17k+ pilot list right now when you've got a year+ in but that's just me. On the other hand I've never thought SFO was sustainable at anywhere near the levels management wants because if you want SFO long term then why not United? Who knows what the next couple years brings, but hopefully Boeing can get their • together in short order.
There’s no way I’d feel comfortable in todays environment to be at the bottom of a 16k list by jumping ship.

Unless that ship is the SS Pirit, but even then, I’d be wary.
Cool I'll be outdoors being health for the rest of the day. Have fun with your forum thrashing. Hopefully it reduces your blood pressure. Maybe it's therapeutic for you.

Have fun.

Seems like on reserve you’re finding a lot of time going outdoors and doing the stuff you like. Can’t be that bad.