Alaska Flight diverted after pilot admits he isn’t qualified to land

Yeah, I missed all that. Server migration weekend (boeing -> callisto -> phobos -> deimos -> protomolecule), off of a week in the office and handling "a very optional, supremely easy to see coming in slow-motion disaster" on another work-related front so I've been a little... out there.

Adulting sucks. And yes, I've tried being more senior.
Surely nothing a little cake won't fix
Do newer bizjets allow you to have the single engine procedure auto load? That was something my previous shop struggled with and we never really came up with a solution that made everyone happy. The 73 auto loads it and if it detects an engine failure you can activate with a couple button presses.
Not all guppy shops have that auto load option either, some have to build the procedure in the fix page and fly it manually.
Pdf files as I recall. SJO is a special airport, LIR is not.

We also have what we call 10-7 pages which spell out airport info stuff. Frequencies, departure notes, arrival notes, other considerations, EOSIDS, anything special to build for the missed approach, local knowledge, performance issues, unique terrain, etc.

There was no line check for SJO/LIR that I can recall.

Unless I’m mistaken, LAX is the only base that does Cenemar airports.

Every operator, read: customer, gets 10-7 pages, and newsflash - they’re tailored to each customer. So you will have different notes and company specific material than another operator. Same for airports & approaches - you probably only have the airports listed on your C070 opspec.

Except the corporate operators, unless specified it is off the shelf 10-7 pages for their theatre. The subscription at some shops are even a worldwide database.
Do newer bizjets allow you to have the single engine procedure auto load? That was something my previous shop struggled with and we never really came up with a solution that made everyone happy. The 73 auto loads it and if it detects an engine failure you can activate with a couple button presses.

The verbiage varies a little but most will have an alternate or secondary flight plan that you can program and if it goes sideways the pilot monitoring would activate the other flight plan.
Do newer bizjets allow you to have the single engine procedure auto load? That was something my previous shop struggled with and we never really came up with a solution that made everyone happy. The 73 auto loads it and if it detects an engine failure you can activate with a couple button presses.
thats cool, where does it load?
sidebar, only drive the NG but they dont let us load anything into RTE 2. something about how the fmc has so little memory it can cause it to reset and accidentally load RTE 2 as RTE 1. kind of annoying as on the bus I was used to programming a special engine out in the secondary and here we just have stupid fix lines and arcs all over the ND
thats cool, where does it load?
sidebar, only drive the NG but they dont let us load anything into RTE 2. something about how the fmc has so little memory it can cause it to reset and accidentally load RTE 2 as RTE 1. kind of annoying as on the bus I was used to programming a special engine out in the secondary and here we just have stupid fix lines and arcs all over the ND

I’ve never seen anyone here do it, and maybe that is why. But I did punch a quick route in (without executing obviously) when we were holding near HNL one night and it wasn’t looking good. Guy i was flying with didn’t seem to have been bothered by it. If it truly can make it crash, and that isn’t just an old -400 wives tale, then it’s probably good nobody uses it. I know it wouldn’t be the weirdest FMS glitch I’ve heard of happening in this hooptie……..cough“dont load the approach in before the descent winds are loaded if going to HI in tails XXX, YYY, and ZZZ, but its cool for all others, but i bet your old CA wont believe that!”cough

Would also be pretty cool if Honeywell or whoever it is, would hook us up with a processor built since i was in middle school. Though my Tandy was pretty great…..
thats cool, where does it load?
sidebar, only drive the NG but they dont let us load anything into RTE 2. something about how the fmc has so little memory it can cause it to reset and accidentally load RTE 2 as RTE 1. kind of annoying as on the bus I was used to programming a special engine out in the secondary and here we just have stupid fix lines and arcs all over the ND

Sounds like something that could be fixed.

For mountainous terrain, we can type-in the area like "LAT 01" for Latin America, Zone 1, then "delete the deletes" in teh secondary and it forms easilyt discernable terrain boxes to escape from if need be. Parts of S. America we'll target 250 initially until we confirm the MOCA, escape the box and then descend to whereever we need to go.

The previous system, not so user-friendly.

Of course if we have a rapid-d in the new jet, we can literally just watch it offset (if necessary), squawk, talk (CPDLC) descent to the minimum altitude in the terrain box, find a way out and then descend to 10,000 and CPDLC the company "Pilots haven't done squat for a period of time, where do you want me to go?"
Sounds like something that could be fixed.

For mountainous terrain, we can type-in the area like "LAT 01" for Latin America, Zone 1, then "delete the deletes" in teh secondary and it forms easilyt discernable terrain boxes to escape from if need be. Parts of S. America we'll target 250 initially until we confirm the MOCA, escape the box and then descend to whereever we need to go.

The previous system, not so user-friendly.

Of course if we have a rapid-d in the new jet, we can literally just watch it offset (if necessary), squawk, talk (CPDLC) descent to the minimum altitude in the terrain box, find a way out and then descend to 10,000 and CPDLC the company "Pilots haven't done squat for a period of time, where do you want me to go?"
that’s pretty trick. I doubt there is a fix in the works, supposedly we are getting pure touchscreens (which sounds atrocious) but I’m not entirely sure that changes any of the hardware that does the bean counting, merely changing the interface to the abacus sounds more boeing.

I miss the bus dearly
Yeah, almost as if airbus realized there is plenty enough technology to deal with this problem without such a needle dick FAA solution. I love the idea of flying off raw data (hey, JNU actually involves an NDB technically speaking, for just the LDA missed) in a really high workload scenario. Though V1 cut or departure engine failure in the bus, if i recall, is also a lot less tasking from a yoke and rudder perspective as well…..also smart.
Every operator, read: customer, gets 10-7 pages, and newsflash - they’re tailored to each customer. So you will have different notes and company specific material than another operator. Same for airports & approaches - you probably only have the airports listed on your C070 opspec.

Except the corporate operators, unless specified it is off the shelf 10-7 pages for their theatre. The subscription at some shops are even a worldwide database.
Except for a certain operator that has their 10-7s as one giant PDF because they were too cheap to pay Jepp to put it in the Jepp app. (Have I mentioned that I wish ForeFlight would build an airline optimized version because Jepp sucks?)
thats cool, where does it load?
sidebar, only drive the NG but they dont let us load anything into RTE 2. something about how the fmc has so little memory it can cause it to reset and accidentally load RTE 2 as RTE 1. kind of annoying as on the bus I was used to programming a special engine out in the secondary and here we just have stupid fix lines and arcs all over the ND
If it senses an engine failure (N2 <50%?) the EO SID pops into the active FPL and gives you an execute light. If you have say an engine fire or some other reason that you want the EO SID and the condition for sensing engine failure aren’t met, you can accomplish the same thing by hitting an LSK on the VNAV climb page. From there the only trick is making sure bring the right fix/leg to the top before you hit EXEC so it doesn’t try to take you in a big circle. Pretty sweet IMHO.
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The verbiage varies a little but most will have an alternate or secondary flight plan that you can program and if it goes sideways the pilot monitoring would activate the other flight plan.
Yeah the UNS1 we had didn’t have a secondary FPL function.
I’ve never seen anyone here do it, and maybe that is why. But I did punch a quick route in (without executing obviously) when we were holding near HNL one night and it wasn’t looking good. Guy i was flying with didn’t seem to have been bothered by it. If it truly can make it crash, and that isn’t just an old -400 wives tale, then it’s probably good nobody uses it. I know it wouldn’t be the weirdest FMS glitch I’ve heard of happening in this hooptie……..cough“dont load the approach in before the descent winds are loaded if going to HI in tails XXX, YYY, and ZZZ, but its cool for all others, but i bet your old CA wont believe that!”cough

Would also be pretty cool if Honeywell or whoever it is, would hook us up with a processor built since i was in middle school. Though my Tandy was pretty great…..
I flew with an old codger who wanted everything copied to the secondary FPL when you made a change…
Yeah, almost as if airbus realized there is plenty enough technology to deal with this problem without such a needle dick FAA solution. I love the idea of flying off raw data (hey, JNU actually involves an NDB technically speaking, for just the LDA missed) in a really high workload scenario. Though V1 cut or departure engine failure in the bus, if i recall, is also a lot less tasking from a yoke and rudder perspective as well…..also smart.
What you don’t like the idea of using level yoke to figure out your rudder input because apparently the slip/skid indicator on the PFD is just there for decoration?