Alaska Flight diverted after pilot admits he isn’t qualified to land

Signing the flight release implies that you are qualified for the proposed operation and believe it can be completed safely and in accordance with the FARs and applicable Company policies.

What if the issue were that conditions deteriorated below his/her, for example, high mins requirement at that airport (if that carrier limits operations there that way of course)?
What if the issue were that conditions deteriorated below his/her, for example, high mins requirement at that airport (if that carrier limits operations there that way of course)?
Then that’s a weather diversion just like any other one (indeed I did one as a baby captain), but the Captain must be in possession of reports, forecasts or combinations thereof that is legal at the point of dispatch. I can’t remember what ops specs or exemptions the Mormons might be able to use to their advantage here, but I do remember the high minimums thing being a pretty “hard stop” there when I was in the left seat.

Special airport qualification is an even harder stop, of course.
Oh, if that’s the case, no big deal. We don’t really have any facts.
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the other way. I was a baby captain there getting ready to fly BOI-SEA. Knowing what I know about the PNW I decided to check the METAR in SEA. It was CAT II😂. I called dispatch and said “ hey just checked the METAR and looks like I’m not legal to depart.” Oh yeah….. don’t depart🤪
We have a number of special qualification airports at SouthernJets. Some airports are "captains only" also.

In fact, last weekend, I did a "South America" theater qualification for a relatively senior captain down to Peru.

On an A350? How does that work?

Well, you see here, instead of where you put RKSI like you are used to, just put in SPJC. Activate, Execute. NAV mode. Now, the coffee differences…
Wait, I thought this was just a high mins captain and the weather dropped. No? Admittedly I haven’t read anything about it.

All the more reason to just STHU. Sorry folks, the weather visibility is too low in relation to what is required at our airline.

No news story made.
On an A350? How does that work?

Well, you see here, instead of where you put RKSI like you are used to, just put in SPJC. Activate, Execute. NAV mode. Now, the coffee differences…

You guys don't get ICAO differences training of some kind for the Central America places you go?
On an A350? How does that work?

Well, you see here, instead of where you put RKSI like you are used to, just put in SPJC. Activate, Execute. NAV mode. Now, the coffee differences…
Jesus Christ!

Are you that dense? Do you know what Peru or a vast majority of South America looks like? Do you understand 15,000+ foot mountains on all sides of the runway and what happens when you puke an engine down there?

For once, please, for the love of all that's f-ing holy, shut your big trap for 5 f-ing minutes!
Jesus Christ!

Are you that dense? Do you know what Peru or a vast majority of South America looks like? Do you understand 15,000+ foot mountains on all sides of the runway and what happens when you puke an engine down there?

For once, please, for the love of all that's f-ing holy, shut your big trap for 5 f-ing minutes!

It was called a joke. Yes, I’m aware of the terrain around Lima. Calm down bro.
You guys don't get ICAO differences training of some kind for the Central America places you go?

Pdf files as I recall. SJO is a special airport, LIR is not.

We also have what we call 10-7 pages which spell out airport info stuff. Frequencies, departure notes, arrival notes, other considerations, EOSIDS, anything special to build for the missed approach, local knowledge, performance issues, unique terrain, etc.

There was no line check for SJO/LIR that I can recall.

Unless I’m mistaken, LAX is the only base that does Cenemar airports.
I can still chuckle at the 121 philosophy of lowest common denominator training considerations and still appreciate it.

I’m glad DCA isn’t a special qual airport for you. It shouldn’t be. It is for us and we go there all the time…because it’s a base. Does your airline go there regularly?

JAC isn’t that special and I suspect it isn’t special because planes keep sliding off the runway. Planes can slide off any runway if you don’t pay attention to performance. In terms of terrain or procedures it’s pretty benign in my humble opinion.

I think it’s a pretty objective assessment that when making a PA to pax who haven’t a clue about aviation things, you probably shouldn’t mention that you’re not qualified to land the airplane at a particular airport regardless of the reason. There’s a better way to say that.

Like I said, I came to 121 for a reason. Primarily because it is supposedly known for stricter standards, policies, and procedures in just about all facets. I got tired of arguing for these things in 91/135. But from a pure aviating/pilot perspective, yes it does make me chuckle some of the policies I see enacted in response to some bonehead decision a pilot/crew made before. Rules/policies/procedures are often written in blood, and it’s a good thing when things are changed to improve an operation or make it safer, but training to the lowest common denominator can feel a little tedious when you’re not the lowest common denominator. I can roll my eyes at it while being perfectly content that it’s there 🤷‍♂️
I mean the feds make up the list, it’s between the POI and the operator if they have some airports be a supervised entry/CA only airport I guess.
On an A350? How does that work?

Well, you see here, instead of where you put RKSI like you are used to, just put in SPJC. Activate, Execute. NAV mode. Now, the coffee differences…

I'm not going to explain to you for free, but there's a whole lot more than simply flying south.

We're trying to mitigate errors which got a lot of people killed or hurt over the years.
I'm not going to explain to you for free, but there's a whole lot more than simply flying south.

We're trying to mitigate errors which got a lot of people killed or hurt over the years.

I don’t believe you. :)

You have BTV Brake to Vacate. I’m 100% convinced you also have FTAM in the FMS. Fly To Avoid Mountains. :)
Ahh neat, maybe they have crayons on the ship you can play with in between shows and sexy time.
Man, you have been busy with other “stuff”!

CC’s back from the cruise already, and 99% chance of zero sexy time (other than solo) as his wife lost her passport at the airport or something, was denied boarding, and didn’t cruise with the rest of the fam. :-(
Man, you have been busy with other “stuff”!

CC’s back from the cruise already, and 99% chance of zero sexy time (other than solo) as his wife lost her passport at the airport or something, was denied boarding, and didn’t cruise with the rest of the fam. :-(

Yeah, I missed all that. Server migration weekend (boeing -> callisto -> phobos -> deimos -> protomolecule), off of a week in the office and handling "a very optional, supremely easy to see coming in slow-motion disaster" on another work-related front so I've been a little... out there.

Adulting sucks. And yes, I've tried being more senior.