Alaska Central Express


Ace Air Cargo is hiring FOs right now in the 1900.

There's a ground school starting pretty soon, so if any people wanna come to Alaska, now would be the time to check it out. They're hiring FOs at 500TT multi commercial. The stuff on the website is out dated. The runs are good, the pay is only so so. Its a lot of work, but the opportunity is there to fly 100-120 hrs per month. (Although this month has been fairly slow, I'm only up to 40hrs this month). As soon as Cod Wad starts comming out of Dutch things are going to be better.

The flying is very very good, the captains are very interested in making sure that learn, and you have to fly approaches down to minimums on a regular basis (I shot two almost down to mins this evening). You aren't a gear bitch, you fly legs with and switch with the captain. As for decision making, most (9/10) captains will let you fly how you want to fly as long as it doesn't jeopradize safety.

There are several things that aren't all gravy, you have to fuel (fueling in the bitter wind in king salmon isn't much fun), unload, sometimes load, and you don't get paid for it. You only get paid for flight time, not block, and the occasional load slip (which you get when you go on a charter). Upgrade happens at 3000hrs (which isn't like Amflights 2000 or so) and the upgrade is a brutal one (based on what the FOs who are upgrading now say), additionally, you run into my problem, unless you've got an ATP then no upgrade. However, you will get to fly some of the coolest approaches in the world, and your sense of adventure (even for me a life long alaskan) will definately be piqued. You'll get to see what they mean when they report "black water" at Dutch Harbor, and you'll learn how to really fly in Alaska. You'll do soft fields in the B1900, and land on gravel, snow, ice, and damnear everything else. You'll fly vfr,ifr,dvfr, and everything else (e.g. scud running). You'll work, and work, and work, but you'll learn a hell of a lot (I know I am.)
Their DO just got hired at Alaska. Really good guy who did my original commercial multi back in the day.
This thread is from 2007...
Thanks for the heads up I saw the date and thought it'd be a longshot but had to give it a try.
You were actually one of the folks I was going to PM next. I'm from Kenai originally but unfortunately have been down in Texas the last 10 years. Looking to come back home and am trying to research all of the low time companies positions in AK. You're at hageland/ravn right? That's another AK company that appears to hire low time guys but I'm curious if they'll view me as an outsider since I don't live in AK anymore. Do you think that to be really considered for these positions I need to move back to AK before I get a flying gig?
Their DO just got hired at Alaska. Really good guy who did my original commercial multi back in the day.
That's good news, do you know if he's on this forum? I'd appreciate getting in touch with someone with current/recent knowledge of the company.
I don't believe that he's on here.

Regarding your earlier question, it certainly helps to be in the area as you're applying, although your AK history perhaps ameliorates that somewhat. Just my guess.
Thanks for the heads up I saw the date and thought it'd be a longshot but had to give it a try.
You were actually one of the folks I was going to PM next. I'm from Kenai originally but unfortunately have been down in Texas the last 10 years. Looking to come back home and am trying to research all of the low time companies positions in AK. You're at hageland/ravn right? That's another AK company that appears to hire low time guys but I'm curious if they'll view me as an outsider since I don't live in AK anymore. Do you think that to be really considered for these positions I need to move back to AK before I get a flying gig?
They hired plenty of outsiders last time, so you'd have a chance, especially if they know you want to move back.
Thanks for the heads up I saw the date and thought it'd be a longshot but had to give it a try.
You were actually one of the folks I was going to PM next. I'm from Kenai originally but unfortunately have been down in Texas the last 10 years. Looking to come back home and am trying to research all of the low time companies positions in AK. You're at hageland/ravn right? That's another AK company that appears to hire low time guys but I'm curious if they'll view me as an outsider since I don't live in AK anymore. Do you think that to be really considered for these positions I need to move back to AK before I get a flying gig?
With the trickle down effect of the hiring going on at the majors the lower tier carriers in Alaska are not in a position to be very picky right now.