AirNet update?


I drive planes
I have been looking at 135 companies all night and there hasn't been much said about the StarCheckers on here.

Just kind of wondering what they are up too from anyone who is working there and if they are planning on hiring any time soon.

We are currently hiring with 135 mins. Anything less than that is on a case-by-case basis. I think theres something like 10 prop runs open right now. PM me if you are interested/want more details.
When I first got into flying airnet was my goal for a first full time flying job. Then it looked like they would disappear due to bank work going away. Its good to see they are doing ok
Don't let this "hiring" fool you. They are NOT doing ok. Saw a pretty disturbing message from the DO regarding disregarding seniority going foward. To me that sounds like hiring typed Lear guys instead of training guys that have slaved in the props for years.
Don't let this "hiring" fool you. They are NOT doing ok. Saw a pretty disturbing message from the DO regarding disregarding seniority going foward. To me that sounds like hiring typed Lear guys instead of training guys that have slaved in the props for years.

It has more to do with qualifying the jet guys in the props so they don't have to adequately staff the joint.
What do you start off flying if you get brought on my AirNet? They have a hub at my home airport and only run a couple day flights. But, 11pm rolls around... Game on ;-)
Pretty much.
I'm at a Part 91 in Norfolk, VA. Captain on a Lear 55 & Challenger 601. We also have a turbine duke that flys me most of the time ;)
Didn't you have a CP gig lined up out in Seattle?