Accountants and Cops

Old Pete

Cockpit Authoritarian
Accountants and Cops seem to make up more than half of my students. Does anyone know if AOPA or Cessna has done any marketing research to determine which profession is most represented in new students.
The cops and Lawyers I have flown with have been outstanding. Cops are probably my favorite demo to fly with really.

Engineers and accountants are a challenge to teach. They are very linear thinkers and it takes a while to derail there normal thought process.
I don't know much about cops, but I would guess that the subset of skills that they use regularly matches up pretty well with the skills required to be a pilot.
-situation awareness
-operating a motor vehicle while multitasking
-communicating on the radio
-following rules and regulations

The nice thing about the engineer types is that you need only minimal ground time with them to teach things like how an airplane works-they already understand things like basic physics, electricity, etc. It does seem to take a while for them to get used to the multitasking and the rough-guessing required in an airplane. They like to have everything neat and precise.
Engineers and accountants are a challenge to teach. They are very linear thinkers and it takes a while to derail there normal thought process.

Yeah, I gave up accounting to become a professional pilot. That required significant derailing of the normal thought process. :D