AARP has notified me......


New Member
...that a new member is celebrating a birthday today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CALCAPT!!!! :nana2: :rawk: :bandit: :)
Thank you, you guys are awesome - and thanks Qgar for spilling the beans. #51 for anybody wondering. My birthday (28th) fell on the second day of a 3 day trip. I had a fantastic crew and an extra special day thanks to a select few who remembered. Qgar was kind enough to text me several times wishing me well even though I forgot her birthday in November, or was it October?? :banghead:. And, when I arrived at my hotel last night, a very special friend had a rather large (and in my best yogi bear voice) pic-a-nic birthday basket waiting in my room full of goodies and balloons. My crew insisted on me coming down and they graciously bought drinks, wings and we laughed and shared stories way too late for my early departure this morning. I am not big on birthday bashes and celebrations, but they do serve the purpose of reminding oneself of how truly special your friends are. I am blessed to have a career I love and to have friends in my life that truly love and care for me. It just doesn't get any better than that. :)
I have a GREAT night planned for us. Don't even think about asking for pics. ;)

Happy Birthday CalCapt.

Had a great time Five0. Hopefully you have connections to the guy in the evidence room and can get that camera back. If not, I am not going down alone.....:laff:
And, when I arrived at my hotel last night, a very special friend had a rather large (and in my best yogi bear voice) pic-a-nic birthday basket waiting in my room full of goodies and balloons...It just doesn't get any better than that. :)

Mmmm. Picnic basket!
Glad one of the classiest guys on JC had a great birthday!! I had a few brews in honor of you last night in MYR (though I didn't necessarily know it was your birthday)!!
Glad one of the classiest guys on JC had a great birthday!! I had a few brews in honor of you last night in MYR (though I didn't necessarily know it was your birthday)!!

Glad I could give you a reason to celebrate but by the sound of things you didn't need a reason. :laff:
Can't believe I missed this. Happy belated birthday, you Silver Fox!! Which of the JC girls jumped out of your birthday cake?