AARP has notified me......

Happy B-day:nana2::nana2: Glad to see somebody else is 51, on the other hand I sneak'en up on 52:panic: and I still throw away the AARP envelopes unopened

Denile is a wonderful thing:D

Hey Velo try this: Write something deep and profound and all the girls will think there is more to you than a skirt chaser. I tried it and it worked. I don't recall what I wrote about but I was able to hide my true motives behind some creative literary psycho-babble. Seriously, it works.
Good advice, my friend. I just don't have the literary touch you do.

I guess I'll just have to resort to "fighter pilot foreplay"...30 minutes of begging.
Good advice, my friend. I just don't have the literary touch you do.

I guess I'll just have to resort to "fighter pilot foreplay"...30 minutes of begging.

Or you might try feigning an injury. Girls always take pity on the wounded and I am sure Qgar and Toria would rush to your bedside to offer their unique blend of therapeutic remedies. I do know that Walmart sells ace bandages.

You just need to moan and groan a lot and hope they buy your act.
Good advice, my friend. I just don't have the literary touch you do.

I guess I'll just have to resort to "fighter pilot foreplay"...30 minutes of begging.

If I remember correctly, your college degree is in Journalism, is it not? :buck:

Or you might try feigning an injury. Girls always take pity on the wounded and I am sure Qgar and Toria would rush to your bedside to offer their unique blend of therapeutic remedies. I do know that Walmart sells ace bandages.

You just need to moan and groan a lot and hope they buy your act.

While Toria is in the medical profession, I am not, so no pity or help for the walking wounded from me. I do, however, have a warm spot for those among us who may be a bit mentally challenged. :p