A note to the new folks. This is a workplace.

Why isn't it? Where are the official written rules that say you can't discuss politics on the flight deck? I know there are absolutely zero at southern jets

I feel sorry for people who have such pathetic lives, they can’t see anything outside of a political perspective.

You have plenty of other places to talk political drivel. The workplace shouldn’t be one of those places.
I try to redirect every conversation to BBQ. Even had some cool convos with vegans. I have plenty of books on my iPad. If it goes political, I just go silent and open a book.

I actually helped get a bill in Congress. So my strategy is to excitedly talk about public lands advocacy and go into the most extraordinary detail as possible. When I see eyes glaze over in boredom, I know I don't have to listen to the predictable talking points from FOX or CNN regurgitated into the flight deck. Most people have no idea what politics is about they just parrot what they hear from the talking heads on the side they have chosen.
It was sooooooo much better than listening to some 55 year old nut job talk about vaccines and heart dysfunction, taxes, the border, the Chinese, or whatever it is people talk about these days. Sooooooooooooo much better.
10/10 would fly with this person again and LMAO for 7 hours
Wish we could have flown together and talked cooking.