A note to the new folks. This is a workplace.

See, that just doesn’t bother me. I could literally sit down and talk politics with Alex Jones for a few hours. I’d find it fascinating.
Possibly same, but possibly for different reasons.

My oldest brother is left of a retired 45 year old French union worker and is an ammosexual. Ya'll Quada rolling through the neighborhood thinking they're going to be warloards would be a grievous mistake. He's odd exited about the idea.

you would have ADORED my flight deck last night, what with the Jewish Texan captain and the LGBT F/O from Georgia. We had a raucous good time, and yes, we talked about guns too!
Work is for work. Keep it light because there's a 99% chance the other person would just rather have you shut up about your thoughts on McCain-Fiengold or World Bank regulations.

Seek political validation with your golf buddies.

It's so good to be king. :)

I for one don't shirk from a rigorous debate on politics on my flight deck (BTW sterile for that other mod is below 10k to include ground movement - of course he knew that). Above 10k I'm all ears. BTW here's the relevant FAR 121.542:

a) No certificate holder shall require, nor may any flight crew member perform any duties during a critical phase of flight except those duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft. Duties such as company required calls made for non-safety related purposes as ordering galley supplies and confirming passenger connections, announcements made to passengers promoting the air carrier or pointing out sights of interest and filling out company payroll and related records are not required for the safe operation of the aircraft.

(b) No flight crew member may engage in, nor may any pilot in command permit, any activity during a critical phase of flight which could distract any flight crew member from the performance of his or her duties or which could interfere in any way with the proper conduct of those duties. Activities such as eating meals, engaging in non-essential conversations within the cockpit and non-essential communications between the cabin and cockpit crews, and reading publications not related to the proper conduct of the flight are not required for the safe operation of the aircraft.

(c) For the purposes of this section, critical phase of flight involves all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff and landing, and all other flight operations conducted below 10,000 feet, except cruise flight.

Note: Taxi is defined as "movement of an airplane under its own power on the surface of an airport."

the echo chamber here on JC - geesh. What was wrong with Trump? He's just a person. He does good, he does bad. You know the Clintons were at his wedding in 2005 right? He was the darling of the left, well, until he wasn't. The vast majority of the rabid troglodytes posting were not even aware of his involvment in politics until he successfully ran for president - and won - twice!!

He's played both sides of the isle for many decades. Masterfully.

I too love to hear about Obama, and Bush Jr and Clinton. But many of you are too young to have known what Clinton was all about. I will say he did some good things, and not so good things. Like any president. See that was easy right?

Reagan was awesome, especially coming out of the Carter malaise (again many of you weren't born yet). However, Reagan wasn't a saint either. He had warts, as all presidents do.

The morale high ground is lost when you make slanderous comments.

One should not shirk away from robust debate. Who knows you might actually learn something. I know I have.

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A note to those of you just coming up in this business.

It is very easy to become comfortable and even friendly with the person sitting next to you. Don’t allow yourself to become so comfortable that you feel that it’s ok to share your most divisive worldviews. You know what they are. If you find yourself wearing your political beliefs on your sleeve, or are speaking about another employee or, workgroup, or subsection of your own workgroup using pejorative terms - that should be a red flag. You don’t KNOW the person sitting in the other seat and you certainly don’t know them well enough to show your ( . ) by using disparaging language regarding their race, sexual persuasion, ethnicity, religion, vaccination status or socio-political beliefs. If your company is advocating for action on some global topic that goes contrary to your belief system, trust me the flight deck is NOT the place to discuss that, nor is the hotel shuttle, or at dinner with the crew. Definitely don’t discuss within earshot of the passengers, especially if you’re using coarse language. You are putting your coworkers in a tough position when you behave that way.

There are dozens of topics of conversation about hobbies, travel, family, airplanes, or even the contract. But if you are about to broach a topic that you’ve heard some talking head bloviating about on your news program of choice, you’re making a bad workplace decision. Remember that not everyone is like you. Not everyone believes the same things that you do. And our differences are what make the world go around, so please don’t build walls that prevent good crew communication by saying something that your fellow crewmembers might find offensive. If there’s any question, keep it to yourself. It’s a workplace, not a flying club.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Why not debate and discuss? Convince them they are luddites. Be knowledgeable. No need to get emotional.

On my flight deck I do not run away from political discussions. I'm happy to entertain any and all POVs. I've learned from it. Maybe you would too.

Get out of your fetal position and engage.
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100% this. I live in NYC and about 30% of initial interactions at work involve some sort of “the crime! The taxes! What’s wrong with you!” Usually followed by some not so thinly veiled racism. There are lots of places I wouldn’t want to live but would never tell that to someone from there within minutes of meeting them. It hasn’t really decreased since upgrade either. Slam clicking has never felt so good.
Well NYC is a crap hole now isn't it

Certainly not as safe as it was in the late 90s and later up until about DeBlasio
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