If it ain’t a Boeing, I’m not going. No choice.
You people act like political discourse IN THE WORKPLACE up to now has always been civil and polite.
FIFY. And you’re right, it hasn’t always. But as it has escalated in society, so too has it escalated in the workplace. There’s a whole lot more of people saying the quiet part out loud with no consideration to how it may be received by those within earshot. We need customers of all races, religions, and political persuasions. We need flight attendants to feel comfortable in the workplace without fear that they have to hide who they are because the big mouth pilot might find out. We need pilots to be considerate of the person sitting to their right (or left) and not just assume that that person thinks the way you do or believes what you believe. When you’re at home or off duty, do and say whatever you want of course. It’s a free country. All I’m asking is to be respectful of your intended and unintended audience. That’s not too much to ask.