787 on fire

Did they confirm it is a battery issue yet?

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Im guessing there are gonna be a lot of double takes on the A350 if this turns out to be anything other than someone throwing a lit cigarette in a galley trash bin.
Smokin' Dreams . . . that one will definitely appeal to the Colorado and Washington State crowd as well :)
Cue CNN's Wolfmam Blizts!

Wolf: "I see in this video that a fire broke out in the area around the tail section of the plane. Fire in a aircraft is ever good. I saw what appeared to be men in thick black clothing with green, reflective stripes on their coats.............turns out, they were firefighters!

I turn my question to aviation expert, Willie Frankensnapple, are fires in the Boeing MD-60 a common occurrence? "

Hope this isn't a major set back again for Boeing!
I'm told from a friend in LHR that the plane was sitting remote without ground power for 6-8 hours before the fire broke out. That's...odd.