Landing gear operator
Didn’t SFO go jr for CAs in the last bid? Also they reduced all of the non SFO/LAX new hire vacancies.My first trip on reserve was an exactly on the nose 2.5 hour call. All other trips have been 2.5 hour on the nose call outs.
For July I’m forced onto red eye reserve. Just an FYI for those considering Eskimo Airways. AM short call was jr when I decided to bid for CA. At least in SEA. 3rd step changed all that and now all that’s left in open time are red eyes. So that’s the new JR reserve call out. Could be base specific since 30% of SEA lines are red eyes and it’s still pretty much the JR base.
In terms of a commute I’d plan for the worst an hope for the best. It’s going to be a long summer just judging by how things look in the terminal. I wouldn’t want to be out of position when I was called in. Who knows though we can’t really afford to let any FOs go but I’ve heard about it happening even though we are short. Wouldn’t wasn’t to find out but I’m risk adverse. At least at work I am.
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