You must've pissed off some people in very high places. Just kidding, sometimes life sucks. When the ink on my A/P was still drying I lived in Tujunga CA and I got my first mechanic job up at Santa Paula airport. And then the Northridge quake happened, it was already a 63 mile commute each way before the freeway bridges fell down. I never thought the world was conspiring against me, I wouldn't have cared if it was because I was young, dumb and I had a 4X4 Toyota truck. I guess my point is life seems to try to beat you down and occasionally tease you with what is just out of your reach. Everyone has a sob story, no one wants to hear them. Chances are when you're old you'll look back at some of the hardest times in your life with a sort of rose tinted nostalgia, at least I do.