Spirit Airlines passenger zip-tied, arrested after assaulting flight attendants at airport

Questions for DL peeps:
1) Is the woman who is trying to explain to the cop what is going on a FA or gate agent?
2) Why is the CA meeting the police in the jet bridge? Don’t you guys have a DL rep who handles all issues like that on the ground?

No armchair QB’ing here, just wondering how other airlines deal with things.
Be careful, Tommy's both giveth and taketh away. You will NEED ample time and TP to get through the full experience. But damn is that mystery meat chili fries/burgers/tamales good.
Tommy’s wasn’t too bad, but it was at 3am in Hollywood after leaving a club. The 2000’s were a different time.

Just last trip, finished with a DH SEA to LA and I checkin at gate with the agent. She says she can’t find me, so I spell my last name. As I’m talking, my company-issued cloth mask drifted down that my nostrils came visible. I had a coffee in one hand and holding my bag handle with the other. I was about to let go of bag handle and put the mask back up when the gate agent loudly exclaimed, “Please cover your nose!”

I was honestly taken back. It’s not like a blatant move on my end. It slipped as I talked and I was taking an action to fix it. Would have taken me 5 seconds tops. It was her tone and loudness that really shocked me.

And I’m a CA at her airline. Now imagine the normal cattle. You know, the people paying her (our) bills. I could tell it was a Pavlov reaction ingrained in her, and it was said harshly. In a consequence-free world, I know what my response would have been. Unfortunately we don’t live in that world.

So yeah, absolutely. 90% of issues could be solved if we did away with the masks.

I’m waiting for the next fight in society…. When masks become optional but people still carry it and when someone concerned asks if they can wear one, some people might do it. I’ll tell you right now, I’m going to politely decline. No thank you. Wait til this happens amongst passengers once the mask is optional. Oh there will be fights.
Ending the mask mandate will solve 90% of this BS on planes.

Ridiculous that people can’t see this.

You have passengers already on edge because flying sucked before COVID, now they have mask nazi FAs screaming about mask compliance every 5 minutes…..combine that with alcohol and it’s a recipe for disaster.

This idiotic mask mandate is causing more trouble than it’s worth. Flying on airplanes never was a super spreading type activity, so why are we still doing this?
Long-time passing. My grandparents getting off a BOS-PWM Executive Airlines flight, having made the connection off United FWA-BOS (with a stop in CLE). It was an age in which people dressed for travel, didn’t hit flight attendants or get thrown off flights for disorderly conduct, and generally knew how to behave in public.

We have come a long way, for sure …

Ridiculous that people can’t see this.

You have passengers already on edge because flying sucked before COVID, now they have mask nazi FAs screaming about mask compliance every 5 minutes…..combine that with alcohol and it’s a recipe for disaster.

This idiotic mask mandate is causing more trouble than it’s worth. Flying on airplanes never was a super spreading type activity, so why are we still doing this?

I've stopped making the mask PA. I have yet to be called out on it. The gate agents and the FAs already do WAY too much of that. The only time I'll do it is when the FA calls in flight and says someone or a group is not complying, then I'll get on the horn and remind the entire flight. But luckily, I haven't had to do that in over 6 months now.

As for masks on planes, you are correct planes were never super spreaders. The physical act of transportation from A to B could spread but not on the plane itself. I think it's a combination of business-related travel demanding people be masked so their employees can travel once again feeling "safe" and stop refusing work-related travel. And the other is (especially in large blue states), many people still do want the mask. Ultimately, it's the mask mandate from the Biden administration.

I'm glad a certain company I know of has publicly said they hope the Jan mask mandate expires and we ditch the masks on planes (this was a couple months ago, pre-Micron). And a certain company also said that despite calling it a "permanent mask related ban" from flying, that once the mask mandates go away, those peoples' cases would be looked at. Unless it was a physical fight, the permanent banned people will be unbanned on said airline and be allowed to fly.

Yet another thing I love about freight. Nobody cares about masks, and there aren’t any gate agents or power tripping FAs.

The ramp agents don’t care, the load crew doesn’t care, literally nobody cares over here. It’s pretty nice.

The courts keep knocking down vaccine mandates, so I’m not sure how much longer this will last. NYS just reimposed indoor mask mandates, so my guess is a little while at least.

That all said, if I was a betting man, this will all continue until next summer, when the Supremes decision on the Mississippi case comes out. Then people are going to lose their minds is such a way, that we’ll be pining away for the days we were just arguing about masks.
The courts keep knocking down vaccine mandates, so I’m not sure how much longer this will last. NYS just reimposed indoor mask mandates, so my guess is a little while at least.

That all said, if I was a betting man, this will all continue until next summer, when the Supremes decision on the Mississippi case comes out. Then people are going to lose their minds is such a way, that we’ll be pining away for the days we were just arguing about masks.

Worst case it lasts until November 2022. I can’t stand the GQP and would never vote for them, but once again, Democrats can’t read the room and will get absolutely wiped out in the mid terms.

Then we will have ultra liberal rags like Slate.com, The Atlantic etc whining and complaining about “how could this possibly happen??!1!1!1!”

It’s because most people in this country like myself are moderate, and we are TIRED of this virtue signaling theater.

If the aircraft/transport mask mandate lasts beyond March…..the latest I see it going is the day after Election Day 2022.
So would people not acting like idiots. Aren’t you a member of the party of personal responsibility or something?

I see this situation as a positive. The adults who act like petulant toddlers are now going to be on no-fly lists. It’s a win.

Remember when liberals used to be known for their civil disobedience? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Anytime your terms for service are people, any people, are going to buy a ticket and be squeezed into an uncomfortable seat with a bunch of folks they don't like it's going to get rowdy. I believe the solution is more space and a better customer experience. Bigger airplanes, less passengers, higher prices, there are other options.