The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Yep! You're voting for Trump!
Why is it acceptable to lampoon one sides hack reporting while holding up the folks you agree with?

The problem isn't hardworking folks doing their best to live their lives. The problem is folks lying to us in a (successful) ploy to divide us.
The right doesn't attack the 2nd amendment.

And nowhere in the Constitution does it say a woman has a right to kill her baby.

Well crap, in that case, it also doesn't say that I have the right to eat a tender, delicious chile verde burrito either! Ya gonna…. shoot me? :)
Nice personal attack.

If you "believe" that life begins at conception, as in beating heart, nerves that transmit pain, and brain waves, you did miss science class. Not an attack, it's a fact. You are not scientifically backing your stance on abortion. I keep seeing pictures of mutilated babies as proof that abortion is murder, but no one ever seems to get that late term abortion isn't what "pro-choice" is about.

I can only assume that you believe that condoms, birth control, masturbation and menstruation are murder based on your hardline unscientific stance.
Yep! You're voting for Trump!
I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary because I am more of a Constitutionalist than a Republican.

Trump does say a few things I like. I love the way he completely trashed those idiot journalists in the press conference he had about the money raised for veterans. I friggin loved how he ripped them to shreds. I can't remember the last time a Republican stood up to those biased fools. I love that he wants to enforce our current immigration laws. The wall may or may not get built, but I would at least like the laws to be enforced. The president (Obama) doesn't have the authority to ignore them. This shouldn't even be a right-left issue. Law is law, don't like it, elect people who will change it. And I like what he has to say about bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. I don't know how he's going to get it done, but it needs to get done. We have high unemployment among the black community, and many under-employed. And there are many who have left the workforce all together, and they aren't counted towards the unemployment number.

These are not right-left issues. All these issues benefit all of us.

The left calls Trump a racist. I don't think that's true because there is nothing in his long history that proves that.

Hillary is a lying greedy slimy sub-human, who only cares about herself and about how much money she can horde and has a long history proving that.

Bernie is an admitted socialist. Enough said.

All that said, I'm not sure I'm going to even vote. For the first time since I was old enough to vote in a presidential election in 1992, I'm probably going to skip it. I haven't decided yet, but if I do vote, it will be an anti-Hillary/Bernie vote and not a pro-Trump vote.
If you "believe" that life begins at conception, as in beating heart, nerves that transmit pain, and brain waves, you did miss science class. Not an attack, it's a fact. You are not scientifically backing your stance on abortion. I keep seeing pictures of mutilated babies as proof that abortion is murder, but no one ever seems to get that late term abortion isn't what "pro-choice" is about.

I can only assume that you believe that condoms, birth control, masturbation and menstruation are murder based on your hardline unscientific stance.

You shouldn't assume anything. That's not scientific.

I am fully aware of the science as my wife and I have done IVF 4 times, lost a baby at 5 months, and I now have 7 year old twins.

Science cannot determine the exact moment when life begins. Is it brain waves? A heart beat? A nervous system? Actually, I think science has finally determined the moment life begins, and it begins with a flash of light.... at conception.

And yes, pro-death groups want abortion on demand, up until the day of live birth. Hell, some even support post-birth abortion. The abortion rights crowd has gotten so extreme, that you can't even discuss any reasonable laws to protect the child during late pregnancy. So, there goes your weak argument about what pro-choice really is about.

So, late term abortion isn't what it's about? Then what do you consider late term? After 5 weeks the baby has a brain and nervous system. After 6 weeks the baby has a heartbeat. Also the fetus has pain receptors beginning at 8 weeks of age. Babies can feel the pain of having their limbs torn from them, one arm, one leg at a time.

Don't know what exactly occurs during an abortion? Well watch this to educate yourself on this "innocent" procedure as described by an actual abortion doctor: 1st trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester

So I guess with your definition there shouldn't be abortion beyond 5 weeks. That would be a reasonable good start to turning this holocaust around.
Trump does say a few things I like. I love the way he completely trashed those idiot journalists in the press conference he had about the money raised for veterans. I friggin loved how he ripped them to shreds. I can't remember the last time a Republican stood up to those biased fools..

The retired 22 year USMC vet and First Sergeant at the 38:00 mark, gives no quarter.

Trump does say a few things I like. I love the way he completely trashed those idiot journalists in the press conference he had about the money raised for veterans. I friggin loved how he ripped them to shreds. I can't remember the last time a Republican stood up to those biased fools.

On the flip side, how do you feel about the fact that he was sitting on almost two million dollars in donations that were not donated to anything until the week some biased fools raised the question? I think it is great that he raised those funds, but this is an example of why he seems pretty shady. I am still blown away that it is going to come down to him or Hillary.