Southwest Pilots have a TA

That wasn't the point, was being picky about which top-5 major/national/LCC you wanted to work at based on not wanting to spend too long in the right seat at that future company. That's IMHO a different discussion all together.
Not very many people think like that if the upgrade on the 190 at US Airways is any indication. Every bid there goes unfilled CA slots on it, IIRC one bid had 12 or so. They won't let anyone under a year bid into it and that's typically the guys that get the newly awarded slots, but there aren't very many of them.

From what I have seen the work relationship between CA/FO at a legacy is vastly different than one at the regionals, where FOs are treated more as hired help by the CAs.
I despise the people that have sex with animal that is texas "fighting"aggies. But hey. Straight guys don't like cheerleaders:)

Also for @Murdoughnut
