I hate winglets.
They make most planes look crap.... except the 747
Do the parks in Phoenix not have ducks hanging around the ponds?
No---Poeple head to the East side of Phoenix-people shoot at each other!
That's why a brother's got to stay off the avenues and north of Shea!
...lipstick on a pig! Why are winglets suddenely the "new hotness?"
I like it. Does anyone know how much the numbers improve?
You might do a bit of research, Max. True, some devices are 'pretendlets' there mostly for looks but Aviation Partners has developed specific winglets for a number of aircraft and fuel savings are, according to different sources, above 7%....lipstick on a pig! Why are winglets suddenely the "new hotness?"
I don't care for it. Then again, could be worse. At one point AA was trying to entertain the idea of putting winglets on some MD-80s for routes like ORD/STL-SFO. Yikes.
I do have to say the 747-200 and the 747-400 have way different techniques in landing (for me) with the same fuselage, same dimensions. How much the winglets have to do with it? I'm not sure, but the penalty for one missing is huge.
It's funny that the "latest and greatest" wings by Boeing on the 787 and 747-8 don't have winglets, but have a shape at the end that looks like a horizontal winglet.
Granted these wings were designed with CFD, and aren't a more traditional wing design.
Isn't the AvPartners winglet more of a "wing sail" than a winglet? I've read their literature and understand what it does.
It seems like most early winglets were more like a fence to cut down on the drag at the wingtip.
No engineer but you can tackle the vortex a number of different ways including the canted or raked wingtip. Not a bad read here.
Remember too that originally the 777 was going to be offered with a folding wingtip. No one wanted the complexity and added weight.
I won't argue terms as I am just a reader/aviator like you. The original concept, before flight, was termed a wing PLATE and you find them on Indy racers. They prevent any spill-0ver. The winglets/sails do more in that they extract energy from the vortex (some engineer is going to eat my lunch on that comment) AND they act as a sail.
Of course, it could all be PFM but it works. AvPartners is experimenting with the spiroid where the wingtip folds over back to the wing. It offers even more improvements but looks weird. Given the cost of fuel, however, weird trumps $$$ op costs.
That made me laugh!This year, F1 changed the rules and took off all the parts that made an F1 car look like a 1900D, and now it's all underneath aero. It's amazing what a few teams did with that....