I'm not sure why I feel compelled to write this, but I do...
After living with some female pilots in college (who are very good friends to this day), I found quickly that as a woman working in a male-dominated environment, many times you are almost forced to just roll with the jokes and seemingly "sexist" comments.
Why would you be expected to put up with such behavior? Well, because that is how men operate... You'll see men teasing men about any multitude of things, and we normally take it in stride. It's not personal, because to a man, teasing and joking is a form of "affection." It's "acceptance." The same goes for men "accepting" women in this highly male-dominated field. Do you truly believe most of the men really believe women are sub-standard pilots? Maybe a very small percentage... But if you look, you'll find that most male pilots have a very respectable view of their female co-workers.
Case in point: We were reviewing an event that occurred at our company today during a CRM class I was facilitating. There was a female captain in the class, sitting right in front of me. I kept saying, "he or she" while referring to the crew that participated in the event in question. At one point, out of curiosity, the captain in my class asked, "so wait, was this a woman here?" She asked because of my continued use of "he/she." I responded, "of course not, do you think a woman pilot could pull of something like this?" Obviously it was sarcasm, and she took it as such. We all had a good laugh. It was a pleasure having lunch with her and a few other pilots today, and it didn't create a "rift" in our professional relationship.
This does not just apply to the male/female differences in aviation. This applies to many different situations we find ourselves as professional pilots. Honestly, in my personal experiences, you'll find that joking and teasing each other about our differences is a way of accepting them. That's likely what you are seeing in this very thread.
I hope I'm explaining myself correctly... When I have coffee tomorrow I'll re-read this and maybe expand on my explanation. Thoughts?