Re: \"Wilco\"
Personally, I try to avoid using "checking in" or "with you" to keep the transmissions short and sweet. But then I almost always turn around and add in a "good morning" or "good evening", so go figure, eh?
Like this: "Chicago center, good morning, twin cessna 12345, 7 thousand 5 hundred climbing 8 thousand."
My pet peeve, though, is "any traffic in the area please advise" at uncontrolled fields. Waste of breath and bandwidth. If someone is in the area and on the freq, don't you think they'll give their position when they hear you report? Especially if there is a potential conflict coming up?
And if they're the type to *not* give a report (say, for example, that they've been announcing their position in the pattern every time around for the last 1/2 hour, and they decided that they'll be danged if they're going to answer you just because you haven't been listening to Unicom - even though you've been busy talking to ATC until 30 seconds ago.....), do you think that adding "any traffic please advise" will cause them to change their mind?
Of course Unicom frequencies have plenty of extra bandwidth, so long, verbose transmissions are no problemo, right? [/sarcasm]