No, on the contrary, I assumed I would be working Christmas. I racked and stacked my reserve bids to get the best schedule assuming I was working that day, then put the blank lines and the hard lines in no particular order on top just for grins.
Turns out I got a blank line. These are normally made up of bits and pieces of drops due to vacation, mil leave, etc. I then got a glimmer of hope that I may spend Christmas somewhere other than sad crashpad and may actually get a company sponsored meal out of the deal and a nice hotel room. The blank lines came out and about 1/3 of them were pure reserve, I can only assume due to the extreme pilot overmanning that we have going on right now. Not only were they reserve, but there were about 5 absolutely crappy ones that were worse the any of the first round bidding reserve lines. I got one of those. Lesson learned.
I have spent enough Christmases away from home to not really care that much. We always figure out a way to celebrate it one way or another. My wife already had other plans this year anyway, just assuming that I won't be there.
I figure I will probably work at least 40-50 percent of the holidays for the rest of my career. No big deal. I have been missing holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries for the better part of two decades already.