When did you solo?

I soloed on January 16th 2002 at JYO in a 1981 Cessna 172P.

I had around 13 hours of flight time. My first trip around the pattern, I had too much power after turning downwind and I almost busted Dulles Class B! I had to pull the power back and almost dive. The next time around the patter, I made sure I stayed at TPA!

I made sure I stayed at TPA!

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You soloed from Dulles to Tampa International???? WOW!!
New Years day, 2002... i had all of my family there watching me, about 12 of us.... also the day I lost my virginity
........ 2002 wasnt great, but it sure started off like it was. Oh yeah, I had around 15 hours.
I soloed on August 14, 1990 at TOC (Toccoa, GA) in a C150, N68007. I don't have my logbook handy, but I think that it was with approximately 10-15 hours.
I soloed Dec. 27 2002....

I had about 15-16 hours then...

Day was pretty as a peach! No clouds, Cold Crisp Air, Winds near 0...

Now, if only every day was like that

New Years day, 2002... i had all of my family there watching me, about 12 of us.... also the day I lost my virginity I had around 15 hours.

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So.. you had 15 hours "ahem.." solo then lost your virginity?...heh..

which was better?

So.. you had 15 hours "ahem.." solo then lost your virginity?...heh..

which was better?

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No man, I had around 7000 hours PIC in that... definately better with multi time though
24 hours fiddledicking before I soloed. But after that I was so pumped I ended up getting my ppl at the 40 hour min.
Soloed glides when I was 14 with 3 hours in gliders, but I had 170 in normal airplanes. Still waiting to solo powered. Still got a year and a one month and 4 days.
2-20-01 12 hrs. I got really nervous when my instructor told me i was going to solo, and i starting screwing stuff up. then i realized you have to just do it...