What's the plan, you ask?

Yes you are getting old! But they did check it at the karokee place...

Oooh! is that where you went after the karaoke place? :)

(I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Don't sick the dog on me!)
Rex still needs the title....

Oh...you can't be a self-nominated Skipper.

It takes years of experience to spot, evaluate and award the Failboat Skipper.

The bar was set at a very high level this year.
Trying to bribe the judge with beer is totally acceptable.

Just know it won't get you anywhere.
I have the hook up!

and anyway Martin, I don't have to try to fail.

Yeah, if your mom has to drive you:

1) You're out of the running.

2) You best not hand me any liquor.

We need like the FailBoat Explorer group for our under-21 crowd....:bandit:
Yeah, if your mom has to drive you:

1) You're out of the running.

2) You best not hand me any liquor.

We need like the FailBoat Explorer group for our under-21 crowd....:bandit:

My mommy doesn't drive me much.... anymore.
I will do my very best to be there and hopefully can talk my company in a little donation as well. Three years of maybe from me...I am going to try more than ever to make it next year.
I will do my very best to be there and hopefully can talk my company in a little donation as well. Three years of maybe from me...I am going to try more than ever to make it next year.
try to bring a couple of those hot russian girls too! like the one in you avatar!:)
She looks like putty and spray paint...

Add a truck load of grease and a wish for syphillis, and those would also be my thoughts.

As for the convention, if I can get off I'll be there! Hated Vegas the first time I was there, but I wasn't legal then (that and I kept being yelled at for dragging my parents away from the casinos and yelling the time at them).