What's the plan, you ask?

Dang it. It's just 10 days before my 18th birthday.
Will I be able to come if I'm 17?

Well we can't really have the event at Chuck-E-Cheese just for one guy.... :D

J/k.... well I'm sure, as everyone is welcome in Doug's living room here, that it'd be cool there.... next year there should be much more to do besides "party"....
Well we can't really have the event at Chuck-E-Cheese just for one guy.... :D

J/k.... well I'm sure, as everyone is welcome in Doug's living room here, that it'd be cool there.... next year there should be much more to do besides "party"....
Hah, goooood one. :rolleyes:
Who says I can't "party"? I mean, I can still drink, just not legally. ;)
No worries, my smoothnes, devilish good looks, charm + bad ass fake ID should work. Or you guys can buy for the young. :dunno:;)

If ya want that to happen I'd keep it on the DL :):beer:

* extra hint - doing illegal things (fake IDs, underage drinking, drugs) if your ultimate goal is to fly airplanes is going to go on my "recommendations of things not to do" list. Now back to your regularly scheduled having fun.

I am VERY much looking forward to this event...

P.S. Vegas is not that cool if you're young... Gettin' kicked out of O'Shays was a real buzz kill.