What's the plan, you ask?

Hah, goooood one. :rolleyes:
Who says I can't "party"? I mean, I can still drink, just not legally. ;)
not at an "offical" JC function though...how you get your bevvies any other time is not our business :cool:

i wouldn't ask anyone to get you anything either because that could come back to haunt not only you but them (esp career wise).

we've seen more than one person try and get thrown out in these many years....your more than welcome to try though, the only thing i've ever heard is that they throw you out of the establishment and that's about it (i think)

altho this past year, they've been cracking down HARD cuz even PH got busted serving under age and there's a HUGE fine for that. i've never had my ID checked so often as this year..and when we asked, that's what we were told.
I don't think I had my ID checked once the entire weekend. I'm getting old. :(
Yes indeed you are!:crazy: Might as well just give up the hair gel too, since yur just tooo old now.:D That's okay; that night at Hawaiian Tropics, the bartender chick with too much eye makeup carded me. It was the first time I've been carded in over three years!
Yes indeed you are!:crazy: Might as well just give up the hair gel too, since yur just tooo old now.:D That's okay; that night at Hawaiian Tropics, the bartender chick with too much eye makeup carded me. It was the first time I've been carded in over three years!
she must have had some makeup in her eye!
Just by setting foot in the door Mike would become failboat skipper 2010 by default.

"Badass fake ID", ha! I'd like to see how much more badass yours is than the one that was given to me by a friend who was obviously drunk when he obtained it for me. Born in 1964?!:drool: McLovin to the second power. Needless to say I'd never use it.
Once again, I will try to make it next year. Past NJC was totally out of the question for me. I'll see if my lurker friend wants to come out to...